Vassiki Chauhan
Vassiki Chauhan
Postdoctoral Fellow, Barnard College
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An fMRI dataset in response to “The Grand Budapest Hotel”, a socially-rich, naturalistic movie
M Visconti di Oleggio Castello, V Chauhan, G Jiahui, MI Gobbini
Scientific Data 7 (1), 383, 2020
Predicting individual face-selective topography using naturalistic stimuli
G Jiahui, M Feilong, MV di Oleggio Castello, JS Guntupalli, V Chauhan, ...
NeuroImage 216, 116458, 2020
Social Saliency of the Cue Slows Attention Shifts
V Chauhan, M Visconti di Oleggio Castello, A Soltani, MI Gobbini
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 2017
How familiarity warps representation in the face space
V Chauhan, I Kotlewska, S Tang, MI Gobbini
Journal of Vision 20 (7), 18-18, 2020
Visconti di Oleggio Castello M, Soltani A, Gobbini MI (2017) Social saliency of the cue slows attention shifts
V Chauhan
Front Psychol 8 (738), 10.3389, 0
The Grand Budapest Hotel: an fMRI dataset in response to a socially-rich, naturalistic movie
MV di Oleggio Castello, V Chauhan, G Jiahui, MI Gobbini
bioRxiv, 2020
Familiarity facilitates detection of angry expressions
V Chauhan, M Visconti di Oleggio Castello, M Taylor, MI Gobbini
Brain Sciences 13 (3), 509, 2023
Reading reshapes stimulus selectivity in the visual word form area
AL Chauhan, Vassiki S and McCook, Krystal C and White
eneuro 11 (7), 2024
Behaviorally-relevant features of observed actions dominate cortical representational geometry in natural vision
J Han, V Chauhan, R Philip, MK Taylor, H Jung, YO Halchenko, ...
bioRxiv, 2024.11. 26.624178, 2024
Interacting effects of stimulus familiarity, attention and language in the visual word form area
V Chauhan, K McCook, A White
Journal of Vision 23 (9), 5661-5661, 2023
Scientists in Context
VS Chauhan
Journal of Vision 23 (9), 4675-4675, 2023
Dynamic, naturalistic faces embedded in a narrative elicit responses in the distributed face processing system
V Chauhan, R Philip, MV di Oleggio Castello, G Jiahui, M Feilong, ...
Journal of Vision 22 (14), 4386-4386, 2022
Encoding Dynamic Information in the Face Responsive Cortex
VS Chauhan
Dartmouth College, 2021
Narrow boundaries for categorization of the identity of personally familiar faces
V Chauhan, M Gobbini
Journal of Vision 17 (10), 839-839, 2017
Decoding the neural representation of observed social and nonsocial human actions
SA Nastase, RE Philip, V Chauhan, F Ma, MK Taylor, S Tang, ...
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Articles 1–15