Hugo Delile
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Lead in ancient Rome’s city waters
H Delile, J Blichert-Toft, JP Goiran, S Keay, F Albarède
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (18), 6594-6599, 2014
Large‐scale tectonic cycles in E urope revealed by distinct P b isotope provinces
J Blichert‐Toft, H Delile, CT Lee, Z Stos‐Gale, K Billström, T Andersen, ...
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17 (10), 3854-3864, 2016
Human impact on Holocene sediment dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean–the example of the Roman harbour of Ephesus
F Stock, M Knipping, A Pint, S Ladstätter, H Delile, AG Heiss, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41 (7), 980-996, 2016
The geoarchaeology of Utica, Tunisia: the paleogeography of the Mejerda Delta and hypotheses concerning the location of the ancient harbor
H Delile, A Abichou, A Gadhoum, JP Goiran, E Pleuger, JY Monchambert, ...
Geoarchaeology 30 (4), 291-306, 2015
Rome’s urban history inferred from Pb-contaminated waters trapped in its ancient harbor basins
H Delile, D Keenan-Jones, J Blichert-Toft, JP Goiran, F Arnaud-Godet, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (38), 10059-10064, 2017
The Canale di Comunicazione Traverso in Portus: the Roman sea harbour under river influence (Tiber delta, Italy)
F Salomon, H Delile, JP Goiran, JP Bravard, S Keay
Géomorphologie: relief, processus, environnement 18 (1), 75-90, 2012
Geochemical investigation of a sediment core from the Trajan basin at Portus, the harbor of ancient Rome
H Delile, I Mazzini, J Blichert-Toft, JP Goiran, F Arnaud-Godet, F Salomon, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 87, 34-45, 2014
Demise of a harbor: a geochemical chronicle from Ephesus
H Delile, J Blichert-Toft, JP Goiran, F Stock, F Arnaud-Godet, JP Bravard, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 53, 202-213, 2015
Metal pollution trajectories and mixture risk assessed by combining dated cores and subsurface sediments along a major European river (Rhône River, France)
AM Dendievel, B Mourier, A Dabrin, H Delile, A Coynel, A Gosset, Y Liber, ...
Environment International 144, 106032, 2020
Hydro-climatic drivers of land-based organic and inorganic particulate micropollutant fluxes: The regime of the largest river water inflow of the Mediterranean Sea
H Delile, M Masson, C Miège, J Le Coz, G Poulier, C Le Bescond, ...
Water Research 185, 116067, 2020
Economic resilience of Carthage during the Punic Wars: Insights from sediments of the Medjerda delta around Utica (Tunisia)
H Delile, E Pleuger, J Blichert-Toft, JP Goiran, N Fagel, A Gadhoum, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (20), 9764-9769, 2019
Headwater valley response to climate and land use changes during the Little Ice Age in the Massif Central (Yzeron basin, France)
H Delile, L Schmitt, N Jacob-Rousseau, L Grosprêtre, G Privolt, ...
Geomorphology 257, 179-197, 2016
A geochemical and sedimentological perspective of the life cycle of Neapolis harbor (Naples, southern Italy)
H Delile, JP Goiran, J Blichert-Toft, F Arnaud-Godet, P Romano, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 150, 84-97, 2016
A lead isotope perspective on urban development in ancient Naples
H Delile, D Keenan-Jones, J Blichert-Toft, JP Goiran, F Arnaud-Godet, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (22), 6148-6153, 2016
High-resolution late Holocene sedimentary cores record the long history of the city of Cádiz (south-western Spain)
F Salomon, D Bernal-Casasola, JJ Díaz, M Lara, S Domínguez-Bella, ...
Scientific Drilling 27, 35-47, 2020
Palaeogeographical and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Medjerda delta (Tunisia) during the Holocene
E Pleuger, JP Goiran, I Mazzini, H Delile, A Abichou, A Gadhoum, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 220, 263-278, 2019
The contribution of geochemistry to ancient harbor geoarcheology: The example of Ostia Antica
H Delile, JP Goiran, J Blichert-Toft
Quaternary Science Reviews 193, 170-187, 2018
Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of the sedimentation history of the Yzeron Basin (Chaudanne sub-catchment), Rhône Valley, France
F Preusser, L Schmitt, H Delile, L Grosprêtre
Quaternaire. Revue de l'Association française pour l'étude du Quaternaire 22 …, 2011
Signatures des paléo-pollutions et des paléo-environnements dans les archives sédimentaires des ports antiques de Rome et d’Éphèse
H Delile
Université Lumière Lyon 2, 2014
High chrono-stratigraphical resolution of the harbour sequence of Ostia: palaeo-depth of the basin, ship draught and dredging
JP Goiran, F Salomon, C Vittori, H Delile, J Christiansen, C Oberlin, ...
Fluvial Landscapes in the Roman World, Portsmouth, RI, 68-84, 2017
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Articles 1–20