Storytelling diamond an antenarrative integration of the six facets of storytelling in organization research design GA Rosile, DM Boje, DM Carlon, A Downs, R Saylors Organizational Research Methods 16 (4), 557-580., 2013 | 207 | 2013 |
Antenarratives of organizational change: The microstoria of Burger King’s storytelling in space, time and strategic context DM Boje, UCV Haley, R Saylors Human Relations 49 (2), 391-418, 2016 | 192 | 2016 |
Why the increasing use of complex causal models is a problem: On the danger sophisticated theoretical narratives pose to truth R Saylors, D Trafimow Organizational Research Methods 24 (3), 616-629, 2021 | 48 | 2021 |
Using storytelling theatrics for leadership training DM Boje, GA Rosile, J Saylors, R Saylors Advances in Developing Human Resources 17 (3), 348-362, 2015 | 42 | 2015 |
Rhetorical history as institutional work R Suddaby, T Israelsen, F Bastien, R Saylors, D Coraiola Journal of Management Studies 60 (1), 242-278, 2023 | 37 | 2023 |
Entrepreneurial Storytelling in Moments of Friendship: Antenarratives of business plans, risk taking, and venture capital narratives. R Saylors, DM Boje, TJ Mueller Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry 12 (4), 2014 | 31 | 2014 |
Spinning authentic leadership living stories of the self DM Boje, C Helmuth, R Saylors Reflections on authentic leadership: Concepts, Coalescences, and Clashes, 2013 | 26* | 2013 |
Qualitative designs and methodologies for business, management, and organizational research RP Gephart, R Saylors Oxford research Encyclopedia of Business and management, 2020 | 20 | 2020 |
An ontological perspective on process DM Boje, R Saylors Language and communication at work: Discourse, narrativity, and organizing …, 2014 | 17 | 2014 |
Looking back to venture forward: Exploring idea and identity work in public failure narratives R Saylors, A Lahiri, B Warnick, C Baid Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 47 (2), 398-429, 2023 | 13 | 2023 |
Virtuality and materiality in the ethics of storytelling DM Boje, R Saylors Organizational Change, Leadership and Ethics: Leading Organizations Towards …, 2013 | 13* | 2013 |
Ethnostatistics RP Gephart, R Saylors SAGE Publications Ltd, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
University sustainability and system ontology G Aguirre, DM Boje, ML Cast, SL Conner, C Helmuth, R Mittal, R Saylors, ... International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior 15 (4), 577-618, 2012 | 11 | 2012 |
Restorying a hard day’s work ML Cast, G Ann Rosile, DM Boje, R Saylors The Role of Emotion and Emotion Regulation in Job Stress and Well Being, 257-281, 2013 | 10 | 2013 |
The future of history: Posthumanist entrepreneurial storytelling, global warming, and global capitalism DM Boje, R Saylors The Routledge companion to management and organizational History, 197-205, 2015 | 8 | 2015 |
Implications of Tamara-Land consciousnesses discourses for organization culture studies D Boje, RDM Pelly, R Saylors, J Saylors, S Trafimow Discourses on Culture 16 (1), 101-123, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |
Fighting hate through entrepreneurial storytelling by using Whitehead’s process theory R Saylors The Emerald handbook of management and organization inquiry, 131-152, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |
Liquid times for the entrepreneurial identity non-profit organization D Boje, M Cast, R Saylors Liquid Organization: Zygmunt Bauman and Organization Theory, 140, 2014 | 4 | 2014 |
There is No Ground and No Theory in Grounded Theory! Can We Create Both With Dialectic Ontology? DM Boje, R Saylors, MS Svane, YC Hillon, J Saylors A World Scientific Encyclopedia of Business Storytelling Set 2 …, 2024 | 3 | 2024 |
Tetranormalizing Entrepreneurial Storytelling R Saylors Organizational Change and Global Standardization: Solutions to Standards and …, 2015 | 3 | 2015 |