Saul Calderon-Ramirez
Cited by
Cited by
Sample-Size Determination Methodologies for Machine Learning in Medical Imaging Research: A Systematic Review
i Indranil Balki, Afsaneh Amirabadi, Jacob Levman, Anne L. Martel, Ziga ...
Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal, 2019
Ml4h auditing: From paper to practice
L Oala, J Fehr, L Gilli, P Balachandran, AW Leite, S Calderon-Ramirez, ...
Machine learning for health, 280-317, 2020
Correcting data imbalance for semi-supervised covid-19 detection using x-ray chest images
S Calderon-Ramirez, S Yang, A Moemeni, D Elizondo, ...
Applied Soft Computing 111, 107692, 2021
Machine learning for health: algorithm auditing & quality control
L Oala, AG Murchison, P Balachandran, S Choudhary, J Fehr, AW Leite, ...
Journal of medical systems 45, 1-8, 2021
Improving uncertainty estimation with semi-supervised deep learning for COVID-19 detection using chest X-ray images
S Calderon-Ramirez, S Yang, A Moemeni, S Colreavy-Donnelly, ...
Ieee Access 9, 85442-85454, 2021
Dealing with Scarce Labelled Data: Semi-supervised Deep Learning with Mix Match for Covid-19 Detection Using Chest X-ray Images
S Calderon-Ramirez, R Giri, A Moemeni, M Umaña, D Elizondo, ...
International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2020 (ICPR 2020), 2020
Assessing the impact of the deceived non local means filter as a preprocessing stage in a convolutional neural network based approach for age estimation using digital hand x …
S Calderon, F Fallas, M Zumbado, PN Tyrrell, H Stark, Z Emersic, ...
2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1752-1756, 2018
Improving uncertainty estimations for mammogram classification using semi-supervised learning
S Calderon-Ramirez, D Murillo-Hernandez, K Rojas-Salazar, ...
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2021 (IJCNN 2021), In Press, 2021
Convolutional neural networks for segmenting xylem vessels in stained cross-sectional images
SCR Angel Garcia-Pedrero, Ana I. García-Cervigón, José Miguel Olano
Neural Computing and Applications, 2019
Dealing with distribution mismatch in semi-supervised deep learning for covid-19 detection using chest x-ray images: A novel approach using feature densities
S Calderon-Ramirez, S Yang, D Elizondo, A Moemeni
Applied Soft Computing 123, 108983, 2022
A brief analysis of u-net and mask r-cnn for skin lesion segmentation
E Alfaro, XB Fonseca, EM Albornoz, CE Martínez, SC Ramrez
2019 IEEE International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI …, 2019
Semisupervised deep learning for image classification with distribution mismatch: A survey
S Calderon-Ramirez, S Yang, D Elizondo
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence 3 (6), 1015-1029, 2022
A real use case of semi-supervised learning for mammogram classification in a local clinic of Costa Rica
S Calderon-Ramirez, D Murillo-Hernandez, K Rojas-Salazar, D Elizondo, ...
Medical & biological engineering & computing 60 (4), 1159-1175, 2022
Mixmood: A systematic approach to class distribution mismatch in semi-supervised learning using deep dataset dissimilarity measures
S Calderon-Ramirez, L Oala, J Torrents-Barrena, S Yang, A Moemeni, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.07767, 2020
Dewaff: A novel image abstraction approach to improve the performance of a cell tracking system
S Calderón, A Sáenz, R Mora, F Siles, I Orozco, ME Buemi
2015 4th International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI …, 2015
Using cluster analysis to assess the impact of dataset heterogeneity on deep convolutional network accuracy: A first glance
M Mendez, S Calderon, PN Tyrrell
Latin American High Performance Computing Conference, 307-319, 2019
Unsharp Masking Layer: Injecting Prior Knowledge in Convolutional Networks for Image Classification
JTB Jose Carranza-Rojas, Saul Calderon-Ramirez, Adán Mora-Fallas, Michael ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11729, 3-16, 2019
Xylem Vessels Segmentation Through a Deep Learning Approach: a First Look
2018 IEEE International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI), 2018
Assessing the impact of a preprocessing stage on deep learning architectures for breast tumor multi-class classification with histopathological images
I Calvo, S Calderon, J Torrents-Barrena, E Muñoz, D Puig
High Performance Computing: 6th Latin American Conference, CARLA 2019 …, 2020
Deceived bilateral filter for improving the classification of football players from tv broadcast
SC Ramírez, FS Canales
3rd IEEE International Work-Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence, 98-105, 2014
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Articles 1–20