Fred Wobus
Fred Wobus
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Cross‐shelf exchange in the northwestern Black Sea
F Zhou, G Shapiro, F Wobus
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119 (4), 2143-2164, 2014
Drivers of the autumn phytoplankton development in the open Black Sea
AS Mikaelyan, GI Shapiro, VK Chasovnikov, F Wobus, M Zanacchi
Journal of Marine Systems 174, 1-11, 2017
A multi-envelope vertical coordinate system for numerical ocean modelling
D Bruciaferri, GI Shapiro, F Wobus
Ocean Dynamics 68, 1239-1258, 2018
Numerical simulations of dense water cascading on a steep slope
F Wobus, GI Shapiro, MAM Maqueda, JM Huthnance
Journal of Marine Research 69 (2-3), 2011
The piercing of the Atlantic Layer by an Arctic shelf water cascade in an idealised study inspired by the Storfjorden overflow in Svalbard
F Wobus, GI Shapiro, JM Huthnance, MAM Maqueda
Ocean Modelling 71, 54-65, 2013
The development of a 3D computational mesh to improve the representation of dynamic processes: The Black Sea test case
D Bruciaferri, G Shapiro, S Stanichny, A Zatsepin, T Ezer, F Wobus, ...
Ocean Modelling 146, 101534, 2020
Seasonal and inter-annual temperature variability in the bottom waters over the western Black Sea shelf
GI Shapiro, F Wobus, DL Aleynik
Ocean Science 7, 585-596, 2011
Tidally-induced lateral dispersion of the Storfjorden overflow plume
F Wobus, GI Shapiro, JM Huthnance, MAM Maqueda, Y Aksenov
Ocean Science Discussions 10, 691-726, 2013
Comparison of skill between high and medium resolution ocean models in the North Indian Ocean.
X Francis, G Shapiro, JM Gonzalez-Ondina, F Wobus, J Maksymczuk, ...
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
A new numerical model for the Black Sea circulation
D Bruciaferri, G Shapiro, S Stanichny, A Zatsepin, T Ezer, F Wobus, ...
Geophys. Res. Abs. 21, EGU2019-5933, 2019
Cascading of high salinity bottom waters from the Arabian/Persian Gulf to the northern Arabian Sea
G Shapiro, F Wobus, V Solovyev, X Francis, P Hyder, F Chen, M Asif
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7366, 2017
An Advanced Vertical Coordinate System to Improve the Representation of the Oceanic Transport in Regional Non-Isopycnal Ocean Models
D Bruciaferri, G Shapiro, F Wobus
2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2018
Diego Bruciaferri, Georgy I. Shapiro &
F Wobus
Ocean Dynamics 68, 1239-1258, 2018
Nested high resolution models for the coastal areas of the North Indian Ocean
F Wobus, G Shapiro
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 13143, 2017
The development of an advanced vertical discretisation scheme for a regional ocean model
D Bruciaferri, G Shapiro, F Wobus
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 7276, 2017
Exchanges between the shelf and the deep Black Sea: an integrated analysis of physical mechanisms
GI Shapiro, F Wobus, A Zatsepin, T Akivis, F Zhou
Shelf-deep sea exchanges in the Black Sea: an Integrated analysis
GI Shapiro, F Wobus, AG Zatsepin, TM Akivis, F Zhou
Scientific Conference" Integrated Marine Research in the Mediterranean and …, 2015
Inter-annual variability of exchange processes at the outer Black Sea shelf
G Shapiro, F Wobus, D Yuan, Z Wang
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 1533, 2014
Exchanges across the shelf break in the northwestern Black Sea.
GI Shapiro, F Wobus, F Zhou
PERSEUS Scientific Workshop, 2014
Tidally-induced dispersion of the Storfjorden overflow plume onto the West Svalbard Shelf
F Wobus, GI Shapiro, JM Huthnance, MAM Maqueda, Y Aksenov
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU2013-4912, 2013
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Articles 1–20