Qiang Zhang
Qiang Zhang
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A haplotype map of the human genome
International HapMap Consortium Altshuler David altshuler@ molbio. mgh ...
Nature 437 (7063), 1299-1320, 2005
Managerial decisions and long‐term stock price performance
ML Mitchell, E Stafford
The Journal of Business 73 (3), 287-329, 2000
Discriminative K-SVD for dictionary learning in face recognition
Q Zhang, B Li
2010 IEEE computer society conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2010
Groundwater arsenic contamination throughout China
L Rodríguez-Lado, G Sun, M Berg, Q Zhang, H Xue, Q Zheng, ...
Science 341 (6148), 866-868, 2013
Multifocus image fusion using the nonsubsampled contourlet transform
Q Zhang, B Guo
Signal processing 89 (7), 1334-1346, 2009
Spatial attentive single-image deraining with a high quality real rain dataset
T Wang, X Yang, K Xu, S Chen, Q Zhang, RWH Lau
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Radiative forcing in the ACCMIP historical and future climate simulations
DT Shindell, JF Lamarque, M Schulz, M Flanner, C Jiao, M Chin, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (6), 2939-2974, 2013
Modeling point clouds with self-attention and gumbel subset sampling
J Yang, Q Zhang, B Ni, L Li, J Liu, M Zhou, Q Tian
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Sparse representation based multi-sensor image fusion for multi-focus and multi-modality images: A review
Q Zhang, Y Liu, RS Blum, J Han, D Tao
Information Fusion 40, 57-75, 2018
Microporous hollow fibers for gas absorption: I. Mass transfer in the liquid
Z Qi, EL Cussler
Journal of membrane science 23 (3), 321-332, 1985
Hyperspectral image denoising employing a spatial–spectral deep residual convolutional neural network
Q Yuan, Q Zhang, J Li, H Shen, L Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57 (2), 1205-1218, 2018
A novel color image encryption algorithm based on DNA sequence operation and hyper-chaotic system
X Wei, L Guo, Q Zhang, J Zhang, S Lian
Journal of Systems and Software 85 (2), 290-299, 2012
Missing data reconstruction in remote sensing image with a unified spatial–temporal–spectral deep convolutional neural network
Q Zhang, Q Yuan, C Zeng, X Li, Y Wei
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 56 (8), 4274-4288, 2018
Image encryption using DNA addition combining with chaotic maps
Q Zhang, L Guo, X Wei
Mathematical and Computer Modelling 52 (11-12), 2028-2035, 2010
Resolution of deep angiosperm phylogeny using conserved nuclear genes and estimates of early divergence times
L Zeng, Q Zhang, R Sun, H Kong, N Zhang, H Ma
Nature communications 5 (1), 4956, 2014
Green tea derivative driven smart hydrogels with desired functions for chronic diabetic wound treatment
X Zhao, D Pei, Y Yang, K Xu, J Yu, Y Zhang, Q Zhang, G He, Y Zhang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (18), 2009442, 2021
Coupling coordinated development between social economy and ecological environment in Chinese provincial capital cities-assessment and policy implications
Y Fan, C Fang, Q Zhang
Journal of Cleaner Production 229, 289-298, 2019
Copper (II)/tertiary amine synergy in photoinduced living radical polymerization: Accelerated synthesis of ω-functional and α, ω-heterofunctional poly (acrylates)
A Anastasaki, V Nikolaou, Q Zhang, J Burns, SR Samanta, C Waldron, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (3), 1141-1149, 2014
Quantify the contribution of anammox for enhanced nitrogen removal through metagenomic analysis and mass balance in an anoxic moving bed biofilm reactor
J Li, Y Peng, L Zhang, J Liu, X Wang, R Gao, L Pang, Y Zhou
Water Research 160, 178-187, 2019
A series of furan‐aromatic polyesters synthesized via direct esterification method based on renewable resources
M Jiang, Q Liu, Q Zhang, C Ye, G Zhou
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 50 (5), 1026-1036, 2012
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