Carme Montserrat
Cited by
Cited by
Subjective well‐being: What do adolescents say?
D Navarro, C Montserrat, S Malo, M González, F Casas, G Crous
Child & Family Social Work 22 (1), 175-184, 2017
The subjective well-being of Spanish adolescents: Variations according to different living arrangements
T Dinisman, C Montserrat, F Casas
Children and Youth Services Review 34 (12), 2374-2380, 2012
El acogimiento familiar en España. Una evaluación de resultados
JF Del Valle, ML Lopez, C Montserrat, A Bravo
Ministry of Work and Social Affairs., 2008
Family structure and family relationship from the child well-being perspective: Findings from comparative analysis
T Dinisman, S Andresen, C Montserrat, D Strózik, T Strózik
Children and Youth Services Review 80, 105-115, 2017
Twenty years of foster care in Spain: Profiles, patterns and outcomes
JF del Valle, M López, C Montserrat, A Bravo
Children and Youth Services Review 31 (8), 847-853, 2009
Factors associated with family reunification for children in foster care
M López, JF Del Valle, C Montserrat, A Bravo
Child & Family Social Work 18 (2), 226-236, 2013
Children's experiences of bullying victimization and the influence on their subjective well‐being: A multinational comparison
S Savahl, C Montserrat, F Casas, S Adams, H Tiliouine, E Benninger, ...
Child development 90 (2), 414-431, 2019
The subjective well-being of adolescents in residential care compared to that of the general population
J Llosada-Gistau, C Montserrat, F Casas
Children and Youth Services Review 52, 150-157, 2015
Peer violence in the school environment and its relationship with subjective well-being and perceived social support among children and adolescents in Northeastern Brazil
SC Alcantara, M González-Carrasco, C Montserrat, F Viñas, F Casas, ...
Journal of Happiness Studies 18, 1507-1532, 2017
Delayed educational pathways and risk of social exclusion: the case of young people from public care in Spain
C Montserrat, F Casas, S Malo
European Journal of Social Work 16 (1), 6-21, 2013
Sistema educativo e igualdad de oportunidades entre los jóvenes tutelados: estudios recientes en el Reino Unido
FC Aznar, CM Boada
Psicothema 21 (4), 543-547, 2009
Effects of C282Y, H63D, and S65C HFE gene mutations, diet, and life-style factors on iron status in a general Mediterranean population from Tarragona, Spain
N Aranda, FE Viteri, C Montserrat, V Arija
Annals of hematology 89, 767-773, 2010
Educación y jóvenes ex-tutelados: revisión de la literatura científica española
CM Boada, FC Aznar
Educación XX1 13 (2), 117-138, 2010
Subjective well-being of children in residential care centers: Comparison between children in institutional care and children living with their families
F F Schutz, J C Sarriera, L Bedin, C Montserrat
Psicoperspectivas. Individuo y Sociedad 14 (1), 19-30, 2015
The effect of critical changes and gender on adolescents’ subjective well-being: Comparisons across 8 countries
C Montserrat, T Dinisman, S Bălţătescu, BA Grigoraş, F Casas
Child Indicators Research 8, 111-131, 2015
Los itinerarios educativos de los jóvenes ex-tutelados
C Montserrat, F Casas, S Malo, I Bertrán
Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad, Política Social e Igualdad, 2011
¿ Qué habilidades y competencias se valoran de los profesionales que trabajan con adolescencia en riesgo de exclusión social? Análisis desde la acción socioeducativa
C Montserrat, M Melendro
Educación xx1 20 (2), 113-135, 2017
What matters in for the subjective well-being of children in care?
J Llosada-Gistau, F Casas, C Montserrat
Child Indicators Research 10, 735-760, 2017
Niños que esperan: Estudio sobre casos de larga estancia en acogimiento residencial
ML López, JF del Valle, C Montserrat, A Bravo
Ministerio de Sanidad y Politica Social, Centro de Publicaciones, 2010
El bienestar subjetivo en la adolescencia: Estudio comparativo de dos Comunidades Autónomas.
F Casas, S Fernández-Artamendi, I Bertrán, C Montserrat, A Bravo, ...
Anales de Psicología/Annals of Psychology 29 (1), 148-158, 2013
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Articles 1–20