Luca Paolino
Luca Paolino
Link Campus University
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Cited by
Revision surgery after sleeve gastrectomy: a nationwide study with 10 years of follow-up
A Lazzati, S Bechet, S Jouma, L Paolino, C Jung
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 16 (10), 1497-1504, 2020
Natural history of adjustable gastric banding: lifespan and revisional rate: a nationwide study on administrative data on 53,000 patients
A Lazzati, M De Antonio, L Paolino, F Martini, D Azoulay, A Iannelli, ...
Annals of surgery 265 (3), 439-445, 2017
The web-surfing bariatic patient: the role of the internet in the decision-making process
L Paolino, L Genser, S Fritsch, N de’ Angelis, D Azoulay, A Lazzati
Obesity surgery 25, 738-743, 2015
Training emergency responders through augmented reality mobile interfaces
M Sebillo, G Vitiello, L Paolino, A Ginige
Multimedia Tools and Applications 75, 9609-9622, 2016
30-day morbidity and mortality of bariatric surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: a multinational cohort study of 7704 patients from 42 countries
R Singhal, C Ludwig, G Rudge, GV Gkoutos, A Tahrani, K Mahawar, ...
Obesity surgery 31, 4272-4288, 2021
Information sharing among disaster responders-an interactive spreadsheet-based collaboration approach
A Ginige, L Paolino, M Romano, M Sebillo, G Tortora, G Vitiello
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 23, 547-583, 2014
Endoscopic internal drainage for the management of leak, fistula, and collection after sleeve gastrectomy: our experience in 617 consecutive patients
G Donatelli, A Spota, F Cereatti, S Granieri, I Dagher, R Chiche, ...
Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 17 (8), 1432-1439, 2021
Single-anastomosis pylorus-preserving bariatric procedures: review of the literature
F Martini, L Paolino, E Marzano, J D’Agostino, A Lazzati, AS Schneck, ...
Obesity surgery 26, 2503-2515, 2016
The tap and slide keyboard: A new interaction method for mobile device text entry
M Romano, L Paolino, G Tortora, G Vitiello
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 30 (12), 935-945, 2014
Comparison of surgical activity and scientific publications in bariatric surgery: an epidemiological and bibliometric analysis
L Paolino, R Pravettoni, S Epaud, M Ortala, A Lazzati
Obesity Surgery 30, 3822-3830, 2020
Intraperitoneal tension-free repair of a small midline ventral abdominal wall hernia: randomized study with a mean follow-up of 3 years
H Bensaadi, L Paolino, A Valenti, C Polliand, C Barrat, G Champault
The American Surgeon 80 (1), 57-65, 2014
Investigative analysis across documents and drawings: visual analytics for archaeologists
V Deufemia, L Paolino, G Tortora, A Traverso, V Mascardi, M Ancona, ...
Proceedings of the international working conference on advanced visual …, 2012
Framy–Visualising geographic data on mobile interfaces
L Paolino, M Sebillo, G Tortora, G Vitiello
Journal of Location Based Services 2 (3), 236-252, 2008
Concomitant ventral hernia repair and bariatric surgery: a systematic review
A Lazzati, GB Nassif, L Paolino
Obesity Surgery 28, 2949-2955, 2018
A holonic multi-agent system for sketch, image and text interpretation in the rock art domain
V Mascardi, D Briola, A Locoro, D Grignani, V Deufemia, L Paolino, ...
IJICIC 10 (1), 81-99, 2014
Phenomena: a visual query language for continuous fields
L Paolino, G Tortora, M Sebillo, G Vitiello, R Laurini
Proceedings of the 11th ACM international symposium on Advances in …, 2003
Petroglyph recognition using self-organizing maps and fuzzy visual language parsing
V Deufemia, L Paolino, H de Lumley
2012 IEEE 24th International Conference on Tools with Artificial …, 2012
Monitoring electromagnetic pollution: A GIS-based visual approach
L Paolino, M Sebillo, G Tortora, G Vitiello
Multimedia Databases and Image Communication, 90-101, 2001
Supporting the on-site emergency management through a visualisation technique for mobile devices
L Paolino, M Romano, M Sebillo, G Vitiello
Journal of Location Based Services 4 (3-4), 222-239, 2010
A spatial SQL extension for continuous field querying
R Laurini, L Paolino, M Sebillo, G Tortora, G Vitiello
Proceedings of the 28th Annual International Computer Software and …, 2004
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Articles 1–20