Frederic Danion
Frederic Danion
CNRS researcher
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The effect of expertise in gymnastics on postural control
N Vuillerme, F Danion, L Marin, A Boyadjian, JM Prieur, I Weise, ...
Neuroscience letters 303 (2), 83-86, 2001
Structure of motor variability in marginally redundant multifinger force production tasks
ML Latash, JF Scholz, F Danion, G Schöner
Experimental brain research 141 (2), 153-165, 2001
Stride variability in human gait: the effect of stride frequency and stride length
F Danion, E Varraine, M Bonnard, J Pailhous
Gait & posture 18 (1), 69-77, 2003
Understanding finger coordination through analysis of the structure of force variability
JP Scholz, F Danion, ML Latash, G Schöner
Biological cybernetics 86, 29-39, 2002
Postural sway under muscle vibration and muscle fatigue in humans
N Vuillerme, F Danion, N Forestier, V Nougier
Neuroscience letters 333 (2), 131-135, 2002
A mode hypothesis for finger interaction during multi-finger force-production tasks
F Danion, G Schöner, ML Latash, S Li, JP Scholz, VM Zatsiorsky
Biological cybernetics 88, 91-98, 2003
Finger coordination during discrete and oscillatory force production tasks
ML Latash, JF Scholz, F Danion, G Schöner
Experimental brain research 146, 419-432, 2002
The effect of fatigue on multifinger co-ordination in force production tasks in humans
F Danion, ML Latash, ZM Li, VM Zatsiorsky
The Journal of physiology 523 (Pt 2), 523, 2000
Approaches to analysis of handwriting as a task of coordinating a redundant motor system
ML Latash, F Danion, JF Scholz, VM Zatsiorsky, G Schöner
Human movement science 22 (2), 153-171, 2003
Motor control: theories, experiments, and applications
F Danion, M Latash
Oxford University Press, 2010
Bilateral deficit and symmetry in finger force production during two-hand multifinger tasks
S Li, F Danion, ML Latash, ZM Li, VM Zatsiorsky
Experimental Brain Research 141, 530-540, 2001
Central mechanisms of finger interaction during one-and two-hand force production at distal and proximal phalanges
ML Latash, S Li, F Danion, VM Zatsiorsky
Brain research 924 (2), 198-208, 2002
Delayed visual feedback affects both manual tracking and grip force control when transporting a handheld object
FR Sarlegna, G Baud-Bovy, F Danion
Journal of neurophysiology 104 (2), 641-653, 2010
Can the human brain predict the consequences of arm movement corrections when transporting an object? Hints from grip force adjustments
F Danion, FR Sarlegna
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (47), 12839-12843, 2007
The effect of a fatiguing exercise by the index finger on single- and multi-finger force production tasks
F Danion, M Latash, ZM Li, V Zatsiorsky
Experimental brain research 138 (3), 322-329, 2001
Effect of object width on precision grip force and finger posture
M Domalain, L Vigouroux, F Danion, V Sevrez, E Berton
Ergonomics 51 (9), 1441-1453, 2008
Fitts’ law in human standing: the effect of scaling
F Danion, M Duarte, M Grosjean
Neuroscience Letters 277 (2), 131-133, 1999
Control of locomotion in expert gymnasts in the absence of vision
F Danion, A Boyadjian, L Marin
Journal of Sports Sciences 18 (10), 809-814, 2000
Different gaze strategies during eye versus hand tracking of a moving target
FR Danion, JR Flanagan
Scientific reports 8 (1), 10059, 2018
Characteristics of finger force production during one-and two-hand tasks
S Li, F Danion, ML Latash, ZM Li, VM Zatsiorsky
Human Movement Science 19 (6), 897-923, 2000
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