Yue (Joyce) Jiang
Cited by
Cited by
All-optical neural network with nonlinear activation functions
Y Zuo, B Li, Y Zhao, Y Jiang, YC Chen, P Chen, GB Jo, J Liu, S Du
Optica 6 (9), 1132-1137, 2019
Anti-parity-time symmetric optical four-wave mixing in cold atoms
Y Jiang, Y Mei, Y Zuo, Y Zhai, J Li, J Wen, S Du
Physical review letters 123 (19), 193604, 2019
Quantum heat engine using electromagnetically induced transparency
Y Zou, Y Jiang, Y Mei, X Guo, S Du
Physical Review Letters 119 (5), 050602, 2017
Cavity entanglement and state swapping to accelerate the search for axion dark matter
K Wurtz, BM Brubaker, Y Jiang, EP Ruddy, DA Palken, KW Lehnert
PRX Quantum 2 (4), 040350, 2021
Accelerated weak signal search using mode entanglement and state swapping
Y Jiang, EP Ruddy, KO Quinlan, M Malnou, NE Frattini, KW Lehnert
PRX Quantum 4 (2), 020302, 2023
Intracavity cold atomic ensemble with high optical depth
Y Jiang, Y Mei, Y Zou, Y Zuo, S Du
Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (1), 2019
Four-wave mixing with anti-parity-time symmetry in hot 85Rb vapor
Z Niu, Y Jiang, J Wen, C Zhang, S Du, I Novikova
Applied Physics Letters 124 (4), 2024
Quantum Langevin theory for two coupled phase-conjugated electromagnetic waves
Y Jiang, Y Mei, S Du
Physical Review A 107 (5), 053703, 2023
All optical neural network
S Du, J Liu, Y Zuo, LI Bohan, Y Zhao, Y Jiang, P Chen, C You-Chiuan
US Patent App. 16/848,525, 2020
Bandwidth and visibility improvement in detection of a weak signal using mode entanglement and swapping
Y Jiang, EP Ruddy, KO Quinlan, M Malnou, NE Frattini, KW Lehnert
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.10403, 2022
Non-Hermitian Optical Four-Wave Mixing in Cold Atoms
Y Jiang, Y Mei, Y Zuo, Y Zhai, J Li, J Wen, S Du
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2020 …, 2020
Efficiently loading cold atomic ensemble into an optical cavity with high optical depth
Y Jiang, Y Mei, Y Zou, Y Zuo, S Du
CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, JTu2A. 122, 2019
Dynamic Haloscope Scanning for Axion Dark Matter Searches
K Quinlan, E Ruddy, Y Jiang, K Lehnert
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2024
Remote entanglement of a cavity with a Josephson circuit for axion search acceleration
E Ruddy, Y Jiang, K Quinlan, M Vissers, K Lehnert
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2024
Protecting backaction-evading measurements from parametric instability
EP Ruddy, Y Jiang, NE Frattini, KO Quinlan, KW Lehnert
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.09168, 2023
demonstration of mode entanglement and swapping for enhanced weak signal detection
Y Jiang, E Ruddy, K Quinlan, N Frattini, M Malnou, K Lehnert
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023, D71. 002, 2023
Progress towards implementing GC-enhancement in an axion search
E Ruddy, Y Jiang, K Quinlan, M Malnou, N Frattini, K Lehnert
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2023, D71. 008, 2023
Quantum enhanced sensing for axion dark matter through three-wave mixing
Y Jiang, E Ruddy, K Quinlan, K Wurtz, B Brubaker, D Palken, M Malnou, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, S39. 011, 2022
Experimental test of entanglement and swapping protocol for quantum enhanced visibility bandwidth
K Quinlan, E Ruddy, Y Jiang, K Wurtz, B Brubaker, D Palken, M Malnou, ...
APS April Meeting Abstracts 2022, S08. 007, 2022
Remote entanglement of microwave cavities for enhanced scan rate in axion dark matter searches
E Ruddy, Y Jiang, K Quinlan, K Wurtz, B Brubaker, D Palken, M Malnou, ...
APS April Meeting Abstracts 2022, S08. 006, 2022
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Articles 1–20