Effects of alirocumab on cardiovascular and metabolic outcomes after acute coronary syndrome in patients with or without diabetes: a prespecified analysis of the ODYSSEY … KK Ray, HM Colhoun, M Szarek, M Baccara-Dinet, DL Bhatt, VA Bittner, ... The lancet Diabetes & endocrinology 7 (8), 618-628, 2019 | 284 | 2019 |
Lectures On Methods Of Electronic Structure Calculations-Proceedings Of The Miniworkshop On" Methods Of Electronic Structure Calculations" And Working Group On" Disordered Alloys" OK Andersen, V Kumar, A Mookerjee World Scientific, 1995 | 281 | 1995 |
Conversing with copilot: Exploring prompt engineering for solving cs1 problems using natural language P Denny, V Kumar, N Giacaman Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science …, 2023 | 272 | 2023 |
Dietary fibers as functional ingredients in meat products and their role in human health AK Biswas, V Kumar, S Bhosle, J Sahoo, MK Chatli International Journal of Livestock Production 2 (4), 45-54, 2011 | 218 | 2011 |
Molecular architecture of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae activated spliceosome R Rauhut, P Fabrizio, O Dybkov, K Hartmuth, V Pena, A Chari, V Kumar, ... Science 353 (6306), 1399-1405, 2016 | 186 | 2016 |
Self-esteem, gender and academic achievement of undergraduate students H Naderi, R Abdullah, HT Aizan, J Sharir, V Kumar American Journal of Scientific Research 3 (1), 26-37, 2009 | 170 | 2009 |
Introduction of community-based skin-to-skin care in rural Uttar Pradesh, India GL Darmstadt, V Kumar, R Yadav, V Singh, P Singh, S Mohanty, ... Journal of perinatology 26 (10), 597-604, 2006 | 170 | 2006 |
Production of Oils from Acetic Acid by the Oleaginous Yeast Cryptococcus curvatus G Christophe, JL Deo, V Kumar, R Nouaille, P Fontanille, C Larroche Applied biochemistry and biotechnology 167, 1270-1279, 2012 | 120 | 2012 |
Percutaneous ureterolitholapaxy: the best bet to clear large bulk impacted upper ureteral calculi. V Kumar, R Ahlawat, GK Banjeree, RP Bhaduria, A Elhence, M Bhandari Archivos espanoles de urologia 49 (1), 86-91, 1996 | 113 | 1996 |
Congruences for visibly pushdown languages R Alur, V Kumar, P Madhusudan, M Viswanathan International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 1102-1114, 2005 | 99 | 2005 |
Visibly pushdown automata for streaming XML V Kumar, P Madhusudan, M Viswanathan Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, 1053-1062, 2007 | 92 | 2007 |
An analysis of PAX1 in the development of vertebral malformations PF Giampietro, CL Raggio, CE Reynolds, SK Shukla, E McPherson, ... Clinical genetics 68 (5), 448-453, 2005 | 91 | 2005 |
Quality and storability of chicken nuggets formulated with green banana and soybean hulls flours V Kumar, AK Biswas, J Sahoo, MK Chatli, S Sivakumar Journal of food science and technology 50, 1058-1068, 2013 | 81 | 2013 |
Antioxidant, cytotoxic and genotoxic evaluation of alcoholic extract of Polyalthia cerasoides (Roxb.) Bedd. YS Ravikumar, KM Mahadevan, MN Kumaraswamy, VP Vaidya, ... Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 26 (2), 142-146, 2008 | 78 | 2008 |
Light-induced dissociation of antenna complexes in the symbionts of scleractinian corals correlates with sensitivity to coral bleaching R Hill, AWD Larkum, O Prášil, DM Kramer, M Szabó, V Kumar, PJ Ralph Coral Reefs 31, 963-975, 2012 | 77 | 2012 |
Modeling of dark characteristics of mercury cadmium telluride n+–p junctions V Gopal, S Gupta, RK Bhan, R Pal, PK Chaudhary, V Kumar Infrared physics & technology 44 (2), 143-152, 2003 | 74 | 2003 |
Effect of banana and soybean hull flours on vacuum‐packaged chicken nuggets during refrigeration storage V Kumar, A Kumar Biswas, M Kumar Chatli, J Sahoo International journal of food science & technology 46 (1), 122-129, 2011 | 53 | 2011 |
The effect of a derivative of vasicine on bronchial mucus RA Bruce, V Kumar International Journal of Clinical Practice 22 (7), 289-292, 1968 | 52 | 1968 |
Attribute order and product familiarity effects in decision tasks using conjoint analysis V Kumar, GJ Gaeth International Journal of Research in Marketing 8 (2), 113-124, 1991 | 49 | 1991 |
Modified electrophoretic and digestion conditions allow a simplified mass spectrometric evaluation of disulfide bonds P Pompach, P Man, D Kavan, K Hofbauerová, V Kumar, K Bezouška, ... Journal of mass spectrometry 44 (11), 1571-1578, 2009 | 48 | 2009 |