J R Nascimento
J R Nascimento
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Aetherlike Lorentz-breaking actions
M Gomes, JR Nascimento, AY Petrov, AJ Da Silva
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 81 (4), 045018, 2010
Soliton stability in systems of two real scalar fields
D Bazeia, JRS Nascimento, RF Ribeiro, D Toledo
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 30 (23), 8157, 1997
Supergravity brane worlds and tachyon potentials
D Bazeia, FA Brito, JR Nascimento
Physical Review D 68 (8), 085007, 2003
Landau levels analog to electric dipole
LR Ribeiro, C Furtado, JR Nascimento
Physics Letters A 348 (3-6), 135-140, 2006
Landau quantization of neutral particles in an external field
C Furtado, JR Nascimento, LR Ribeiro
Physics Letters A 358 (5-6), 336-338, 2006
Dual equivalence between self-dual and Maxwell–Chern–Simons models coupled to dynamical U (1) charged matter
MA Anacleto, A Ilha, JRS Nascimento, RF Ribeiro, C Wotzasek
Physics Letters B 504 (3), 268-274, 2001
Perturbative generation of the higher-derivative Lorentz-breaking terms
T Mariz, JR Nascimento, AY Petrov
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 85 (12), 125003, 2012
Geometric phase for a neutral particle in the presence of a topological defect
K Bakke, JR Nascimento, C Furtado
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 78 (6), 064012, 2008
Lorentz-CPT violation, radiative corrections and finite temperature
JR Nascimento, E Passos, AY Petrov, FA Brito
Journal of High Energy Physics 2007 (06), 016, 2007
Gravitational lensing in black-bounce spacetimes
JR Nascimento, AY Petrov, PJ Porfirio, AR Soares
Physical Review D 102 (4), 044021, 2020
Landau quantization for a neutral particle in the presence of topological defects
K Bakke, LR Ribeiro, C Furtado, JR Nascimento
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 79 (2), 024008, 2009
Lorentz violation in the linearized gravity
AF Ferrari, M Gomes, JR Nascimento, E Passos, AY Petrov, AJ Da Silva
Physics Letters B 652 (4), 174-180, 2007
Induction of the four-dimensional Lorentz-breaking non-Abelian Chern-Simons action
M Gomes, JR Nascimento, E Passos, AY Petrov, AJ Da Silva
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 76 (4), 047701, 2007
A remark on Lorentz violation at finite temperature
T Mariz, JR Nascimento, E Passos, RF Ribeiro, FA Brito
Journal of High Energy Physics 2005 (10), 019, 2005
Situação populacional do lobo em Portugal: resultados do censo nacional 2002/2003
V Pimenta, I Barroso, F Álvares, J Correia, G Ferrão da Costa, L Moreira, ...
Relatório Técnico, Instituto de Conservação da Natureza/Grupo Lobo, Lisboa 158, 2005
Noncommutative Anandan quantum phase
E Passos, LR Ribeiro, C Furtado, JR Nascimento
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (1), 012113, 2007
Lorentz violation and the proper-time method
T Mariz, JR Nascimento, AY Petrov, LY Santos, AJ Da Silva
Physics Letters B 661 (4), 312-318, 2008
Four-dimensional aether-like Lorentz-breaking QED revisited and problem of ambiguities
AP Baeta Scarpelli, T Mariz, JR Nascimento, AY Petrov
The European Physical Journal C 73, 1-6, 2013
Gödel solution in the bumblebee gravity
AF Santos, WDR Jesus, JR Nascimento, AY Petrov
Modern Physics Letters A 30 (02), 1550011, 2015
Chern-Simons-like action induced radiatively in general relativity
T Mariz, JR Nascimento, E Passos, RF Ribeiro
Physical Review D 70 (2), 024014, 2004
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Articles 1–20