Thomas W James
Thomas W James
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Ventral occipital lesions impair object recognition but not object‐directed grasping: an fMRI study
TW James, J Culham, GK Humphrey, AD Milner, MA Goodale
Brain 126 (11), 2463-2475, 2003
Haptic study of three-dimensional objects activates extrastriate visual areas
TW James, GK Humphrey, JS Gati, P Servos, RS Menon, MA Goodale
Neuropsychologia 40 (10), 1706-1714, 2002
Differential effects of viewpoint on object-driven activation in dorsal and ventral streams
TW James, GK Humphrey, JS Gati, RS Menon, MA Goodale
Neuron 35 (4), 793-801, 2002
Audiovisual integration in human superior temporal sulcus: Inverse effectiveness and the neural processing of speech and object recognition
RA Stevenson, TW James
Neuroimage 44 (3), 1210-1223, 2009
An fMRI study of the selective activation of human extrastriate form vision areas by radial and concentric gratings
F Wilkinson, TW James, HR Wilson, JS Gati, RS Menon, MA Goodale
Current Biology 10 (22), 1455-1458, 2000
Characterization of the affective norms for English words by discrete emotional categories
RA Stevenson, JA Mikels, TW James
Behavior research methods 39 (4), 1020-1024, 2007
Neural synergy between kinetic vision and touch
R Blake, KV Sobel, TW James
Psychological science 15 (6), 397-402, 2004
Sex differences in remembering the locations of objects in an array: Location-shifts versus location-exchanges
TW James, D Kimura
Evolution and Human Behavior 18 (3), 155-163, 1997
Identifying and quantifying multisensory integration: a tutorial review
RA Stevenson, D Ghose, JK Fister, DK Sarko, NA Altieri, AR Nidiffer, ...
Brain topography 27, 707-730, 2014
Letter processing in the visual system: different activation patterns for single letters and strings
KH James, TW James, G Jobard, ACN Wong, I Gauthier
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 5 (4), 452-466, 2005
The effects of visual object priming on brain activation before and after recognition
TW James, GK Humphrey, JS Gati, RS Menon, MA Goodale
Current Biology 10 (17), 1017-1024, 2000
Affective auditory stimuli: Characterization of the International Affective Digitized Sounds (IADS) by discrete emotional categories
RA Stevenson, TW James
Behavior research methods 40 (1), 315-321, 2008
Repetition‐induced changes in BOLD response reflect accumulation of neural activity
TW James, I Gauthier
Human brain mapping 27 (1), 37-46, 2006
The influence of conceptual knowledge on visual discrimination
I Gauthier, TW James, KM Curby, MJ Tarr
Cognitive Neuropsychology 20 (3-6), 507-523, 2003
Neural processing of asynchronous audiovisual speech perception
RA Stevenson, NA Altieri, S Kim, DB Pisoni, TW James
Neuroimage 49 (4), 3308-3318, 2010
The neural basis of haptic object processing.
TW James, S Kim, JS Fisher
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2007
Superadditive BOLD activation in superior temporal sulcus with threshold non-speech objects
RA Stevenson, ML Geoghegan, TW James
Experimental brain research 179, 85-95, 2007
Discrete neural substrates underlie complementary audiovisual speech integration processes
RA Stevenson, RM VanDerKlok, DB Pisoni, TW James
Neuroimage 55 (3), 1339-1345, 2011
Auditory and action semantic features activate sensory-specific perceptual brain regions
TW James, I Gauthier
Current biology 13 (20), 1792-1796, 2003
Activation in the neural network responsible for categorization and recognition reflects parameter changes
RM Nosofsky, DR Little, TW James
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (1), 333-338, 2012
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Articles 1–20