Ying Wu
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Cited by
Observation of a phononic higher-order Weyl semimetal
L Luo, HX Wang, ZK Lin, B Jiang, Y Wu, F Li, JH Jiang
Nature Materials 20 (6), 794-799, 2021
Topological Wannier cycles induced by sub-unit-cell artificial gauge flux in a sonic crystal
ZK Lin, Y Wu, B Jiang, Y Liu, SQ Wu, F Li, JH Jiang
Nature Materials 21 (4), 430-437, 2022
On-chip higher-order topological micromechanical metamaterials
Y Wu, M Yan, ZK Lin, HX Wang, F Li, JH Jiang
Science Bulletin 66 (19), 1959-1966, 2021
Dial-in topological metamaterials based on bistable stewart platform
Y Wu, R Chaunsali, H Yasuda, K Yu, J Yang
Scientific reports 8 (1), 112, 2018
Dynamic modeling and robust nonlinear control of a six-DOF active micro-vibration isolation manipulator with parameter uncertainties
Y Wu, K Yu, J Jiao, R Zhao
Mechanism and Machine Theory 92, 407-435, 2015
Observation of corner states in second-order topological electric circuits
J Wu, X Huang, J Lu, Y Wu, W Deng, F Li, Z Liu
Physical Review B 102 (10), 104109, 2020
Topological spin-Hall edge states of flexural wave in perforated metamaterial plates
L Yang, K Yu, Y Wu, R Zhao, S Liu
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (32), 325302, 2018
Tailoring the optimal load-carrying efficiency of hierarchical stiffened shells by competitive sampling
K Tian, B Wang, K Zhang, J Zhang, P Hao, Y Wu
Thin-Walled Structures 133, 216-225, 2018
Piecewise shear deformation theory and finite element formulation for vibration analysis of laminated composite and sandwich plates in thermal environments
R Zhao, K Yu, GM Hulbert, Y Wu, X Li
Composite Structures 160, 1060-1083, 2017
Pseudomagnetic fields enabled manipulation of on-chip elastic waves
M Yan, W Deng, X Huang, Y Wu, Y Yang, J Lu, F Li, Z Liu
Physical Review Letters 127 (13), 136401, 2021
Effect of thermal stresses on frequency band structures of elastic metamaterial plates
Y Wu, K Yu, L Yang, R Zhao, X Shi, K Tian
Journal of Sound and Vibration 413, 101-119, 2018
Dynamic isotropy design and analysis of a six-DOF active micro-vibration isolation manipulator on satellites
Y Wu, K Yu, J Jiao, D Cao, W Chi, J Tang
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 49, 408-425, 2018
Topological helical edge states in water waves over a topographical bottom
S Wu, Y Wu, J Mei
New Journal of Physics 20 (2), 023051, 2018
Dynamic modeling and experimental analyses of Stewart platform with flexible hinges
J Jiao, Y Wu, K Yu, R Zhao
Journal of Vibration and Control 25 (1), 151-171, 2019
Valley Hall elastic topological insulator with large Chern numbers
Y Chen, D Liu, Y Wu, P Yu, Y Liu
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 239, 107884, 2023
Output-only modal estimation using sparse component analysis and density-based clustering algorithm
H Zhou, K Yu, Y Chen, R Zhao, Y Wu
Measurement 126, 120-133, 2018
A piecewise shear deformation theory for free vibration of composite and sandwich panels
X Li, K Yu, J Han, R Zhao, Y Wu
Composite Structures 124, 111-119, 2015
Abnormal topological refraction into free medium at subwavelength scale in valley phononic crystal plates
L Yang, K Yu, B Bonello, B Djafari-Rouhani, W Wang, Y Wu
Physical Review B 103 (18), 184303, 2021
Topological materials for full-vector elastic waves
Y Wu, J Lu, X Huang, Y Yang, L Luo, L Yang, F Li, W Deng, Z Liu
National Science Review 10 (5), nwac203, 2023
Second-order topological corner states in two-dimensional elastic wave metamaterials with nonsymmorphic symmetries
Y Liu, B Lei, P Yu, L Zhong, K Yu, Y Wu
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 198, 110433, 2023
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Articles 1–20