Fraser T Watson
Fraser T Watson
National Solar Observatory
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Small-scale and global dynamos and the area and flux distributions of active regions, sunspot groups, and sunspots: A multi-database study
A Muņoz-Jaramillo, RR Senkpeil, JC Windmueller, EC Amouzou, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 800 (1), 48, 2015
Modelling the longitudinal asymmetry in sunspot emergence: the role of the Wilson depression
F Watson, L Fletcher, S Dalla, S Marshall
Solar Physics 260, 5-19, 2009
Evolution of sunspot properties during solar cycle 23
FT Watson, L Fletcher, S Marshall
Astronomy & Astrophysics 533, A14, 2011
A multi-wavelength analysis of active regions and sunspots by comparison of automatic detection algorithms
C Verbeeck, PA Higgins, T Colak, FT Watson, V Delouille, B Mampaey, ...
Solar Physics 283, 67-95, 2013
A multi-instrument analysis of sunspot umbrae
FT Watson, MJ Penn, W Livingston
The Astrophysical Journal 787 (1), 22, 2014
A new solar signal: Average maximum sunspot magnetic fields independent of activity cycle
W Livingston, F Watson
Geophysical Research Letters 42 (21), 9185-9189, 2015
Image patch analysis of sunspots and active regions-I. Intrinsic dimension and correlation analysis
KR Moon, JJ Li, V Delouille, R De Visscher, F Watson, AO Hero
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 6, A2, 2016
Image patch analysis of sunspots and active regions-II. Clustering via matrix factorization
KR Moon, V Delouille, JJ Li, R De Visscher, F Watson, AO Hero
Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 6, A3, 2016
Automated sunspot detection and the evolution of sunspot magnetic fields during solar cycle 23
F Watson, L Fletcher
Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 6 (S273), 51-55, 2010
Petascale cyberinfrastructure for ground-based solar physics: approach of the DKIST data center
S Berukoff, T Hays, K Reardon, DJ Spiess, F Watson, S Wiant
Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy IV 9913, 540-551, 2016
Image patch analysis and clustering of sunspots: A dimensionality reduction approach
KR Moon, JJ Li, V Delouille, F Watson, AO Hero
2014 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1623-1627, 2014
Variation of solar oscillation frequencies in solar cycle 23 and their relation to sunspot area and number
R Jain, SC Tripathy, FT Watson, L Fletcher, K Jain, F Hill
Astronomy & Astrophysics 545, A73, 2012
Investigating sunspot and photospheric magnetic field properties using automated solar feature detection
FT Watson
University of Glasgow, 2012
Calibration development strategies for the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) data center
FT Watson, SJ Berukoff, T Hays, K Reardon, DJ Speiss, S Wiant
Observatory Operations: Strategies, Processes, and Systems VI 9910, 491-501, 2016
Cross-calibrating sunspot magnetic field strength measurements from the McMath–Pierce Solar Telescope and the Dunn Solar Telescope
FT Watson, C Beck, MJ Penn, A Tritschler, VM Pillet, WC Livingston
Solar Physics 290, 3267-3277, 2015
The DKIST Data Center: Meeting the Data Challenges for Next-Generation, Ground-Based Solar Physics
AR Davey, K Reardon, SJ Berukoff, T Hays, D Spiess, FT Watson, S Wiant
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, SH34A-04, 2016
Science-Ready Data Production in the DKIST Data Center
K Reardon, S Berukoff, T Hays, DJ Spiess, F Watson
IAU General Assembly 29, 2258326, 2015
Image patch analysis of sunspots and active regions. II. Clustering via dictionary learning
KR Moon, V Delouille, JJ Li, R De Visscher, F Watson, AO Hero III
arXiv preprint arXiv 1504, 2015
Sunspot detection and tracking algorithms using MDI data
F Watson, L Fletcher, S Dalla, S Marshall
ISSI meeting-Mining and Exploiting the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory data …, 2009
Differential responses of grassland ground beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) communities to Conservation Reserve Program management practices
ES Waite, ML Jameson, G Houseman, WE Jensen, M Reichenborn, ...
Entomology 2019, 2019
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Articles 1–20