L. Mendoza Zélis
L. Mendoza Zélis
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Nanoparticles of ZnO obtained by mechanical milling
LC Damonte, LAM Zélis, BM Soucase, MAH Fenollosa
Powder Technology 148 (1), 15-19, 2004
Metastable Materials Formation by ion implantation
A Traverse, MO Ruault, L Mendoza-Zelis, M Schack, H Bernas, ...
Elsevier Science Publication Company, 1982
Nanocrystalline HfN produced by mechanical milling: Kinetic aspects
MA Bab, L Mendoza-Zelis, LC Damonte
Acta materialia 49 (20), 4205-4213, 2001
Temperature dependence of electron-capture aftereffects in the semiconductor
AG Bibiloni, J Desimoni, CP Massolo, L Mendoza-Zélis, AF Pasquevich, ...
Physical Review B 29 (2), 1109, 1984
Complex Mg-based hydrides obtained by mechanosynthesis: characterization and formation kinetics
LA Baum, M Meyer, L Mendoza-Zélis
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 33 (13), 3442-3446, 2008
Hydrogen storage properties of the Mg/Fe system
L Baum, M Meyer, L Mendoza-Zélis
Physica B: Condensed Matter 389 (1), 189-192, 2007
Temperature dependence of the electric field gradient at Ta nuclei in hafnium pyrovanadate
LA Mendoza-Zélis, AG Bibiloni, MC Caracoche, AR Lopéz-García, ...
Hyperfine Interactions 3 (1), 315-320, 1977
Time-differential perturbed-angular-correlation study of pure and Sn-doped semiconductors
AG Bibiloni, CP Massolo, J Desimoni, LA Mendoza-Zélis, FH Sánchez, ...
Physical Review B 32 (4), 2393, 1985
Kinetics studies and oxide characterization in the internal oxidation of alloys
J Desimoni, AG Bibiloni, L Mendoza-Zélis, AF Pasquevich, FH Sánchez, ...
Physical Review B 28 (10), 5739, 1983
A model for the kinetics of mechanically assisted gas–solid reactions
MA Bab, L Mendoza-Zelis
Scripta materialia 50 (1), 99-104, 2004
Effect of preparation conditions on the short-range order in Zr-based bulk glass-forming alloys
LC Damonte, LA Mendoza-Zélis, S Deledda, J Eckert
Materials Science and Engineering: A 343 (1-2), 194-198, 2003
Decomposition of B by mechanical grinding
CER Torres, FH Sánchez, LAM Zélis
Physical Review B 51 (18), 12142, 1995
Complex quaternary hydrides Mg2 (Fe, Co) Hy for hydrogen storage
L Mendoza-Zélis, M Meyer, L Baum
international journal of hydrogen energy 36 (1), 600-605, 2011
Low temperature rolling of AZ91 alloy for hydrogen storage
R Floriano, DR Leiva, GC Melo, TT Ishikawa, J Huot, M Kaufman, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (49), 29394-29405, 2017
Electrical properties of amorphous Ni-P alloys produced by ion implantation
L Mendoza-Zelis, L Thomé, L Brossard, J Chaumont, K Królas, H Bernas
Physical Review B 26 (3), 1306, 1982
Short-range order in bulk Zr-and Hf-based amorphous alloys
LC Damonte, L Mendoza-Zélis, J Eckert
Materials Science and Engineering: A 278 (1-2), 16-21, 2000
Nuclear quadrupole interaction in glassy alloys and their local structures
LC Damonte, L Mendoza-Zélis, AR López-Garca
Physical Review B 39 (17), 12492, 1989
Mechanical milling of the intermetallic compound AlFe
M Meyer, L Mendoza-Zélis, FH Sánchez, MT Clavaguera-Mora, ...
Physical Review B 60 (5), 3206, 1999
Time-differential perturbed-angular-correlation study of the electric field gradient in amorphous
LA Mendoza-Zélis, LC Damonte, AG Bibiloni, J Desimoni, ...
Physical Review B 34 (4), 2982, 1986
Mechanical alloying of the Fe1-xMx (M= Si, Ge, Sn). A comparative study
AF Cabrera, FH Sánchez, L Mendoza-Zelis
Journal of Metastable and Nanocrystalline Materials 2, 85-92, 1999
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