Daniel Ljunggren
Daniel Ljunggren
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Experiments on long wavelength (1550nm)“plug and play” quantum cryptography systems
M Bourennane, F Gibson, A Karlsson, A Hening, P Jonsson, T Tsegaye, ...
Optics Express 4 (10), 383-387, 1999
Authority-based user authentication in quantum key distribution
D Ljunggren, M Bourennane, A Karlsson
Physical Review A 62 (2), 022305, 2000
Optimal focusing for maximal collection of entangled narrow-band photon pairs into single-mode fibers
D Ljunggren, M Tengner
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 72 (6), 062301, 2005
Highly efficient source for indistinguishable single photons of controlled shape
PBR Nisbet-Jones, J Dilley, D Ljunggren, A Kuhn
New Journal of Physics 13 (10), 103036, 2011
Cavity-based single-photon sources
A Kuhn, D Ljunggren
Contemporary Physics 51 (4), 289-313, 2010
Single photons made-to-measure
GS Vasilev, D Ljunggren, A Kuhn
New Journal of Physics 12 (6), 063024, 2010
Bright, single-spatial-mode source of frequency non-degenerate, polarization-entangled photon pairs using periodically poled KTP
M Pelton, P Marsden, D Ljunggren, M Tengner, A Karlsson, A Fragemann, ...
Optics Express 12 (15), 3573-3580, 2004
Narrowband polarization-entangled photon pairs distributed over a WDM link for qubit networks
S Sauge, M Swillo, S Albert-Seifried, GB Xavier, J Waldebäck, M Tengner, ...
Optics Express 15 (11), 6926-6933, 2007
Experimental long wavelength quantum cryptography: from single-photon transmission to key extraction protocols
M Bourennane, D Ljunggren, A Karlsson, P Jonsson, A Hening, JP Ciscar
Journal of Modern Optics 47 (2-3), 563-579, 2000
Theory and experiment of entanglement in a quasi-phase-matched two-crystal source
D Ljunggren, M Tengner, P Marsden, M Pelton
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (3), 032326, 2006
Quantum communication in optical networks: an overview and selected recent results
S Sauge, M Swillo, S Albert-Seifried, GB Xavier, J Waldeback, M Tengner, ...
2007 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks 1, 30-33, 2007
Characterization of an asynchronous source of heralded single photons generated at a wavelength of 1550 nm
M Tengner, D Ljunggren
arXiv preprint arXiv:0706.2985, 2007
Entanglement in quantum communication
D Ljunggren
Preparation and characterization of photonic qubits. KTH Information and …, 2006
Quantum cryptography-from single-photon transmission, key extraction methods to novel quantum information protocols
A Karlsson, M Bourenanne, D Ljunggren, P Jonsson, A Hening, JP Ciscar, ...
Proceedings of the 1999 Congress on Evolutionary Computation-CEC99 (Cat. No …, 1999
Some properties of three-party entangled states and their application in quantum communication
A Karlsson, M Bourennane, I Ghiu, D Ljunggren, A Månsson
The Physics Of Communication, 472-484, 2003
Experiments on long wavelength (1550 nm)" plug and play" quantum cryptography systems
M Bourennane, F Gibson, A Hening, A Karlsson, P Jonsson, T Tsegaye, ...
Technical Digest. Summaries of Papers Presented at the Quantum Electronics …, 1992
Characterization of an asynchronous source of heralded single photons generated at a wavelength of 1550 nm
M Tengner, D Ljunggren
Entanglement in quantum communication: preparation and characterization of photonic qubits
D Ljunggren
KTH, 2006
Quantum communication and single-photon technologies
A Karlsson, M Bourennane, D Ljunggren, JP Ciscar, M Mathes, A Hening
ROMOPTO 2000: Sixth Conference on Optics 4430, 430-441, 2001
Implementations of atom-photon interfaces for quantum networking
PBR Nisbet, J Dilley, G Langfahl-Klabes, D Ljunggren, G Vasilev, A Kuhn
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, JSII_P1, 2009
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Articles 1–20