Fire, people and pixels: linking social science and remote sensing to understand underlying causes and impacts of fires in Indonesia RA Dennis, J Mayer, G Applegate, U Chokkalingam, CJP Colfer, ... Human Ecology 33 (4), 465-504, 2005 | 284 | 2005 |
Pembenihan dan pembesaran nila SR Suyanto PT Niaga Swadaya, 2011 | 241 | 2011 |
Pengaruh Current Ratio, Debt to Asset Ratio, Total Asset Turnover dan Inflasi Terhadap Return on Asset H Supardi, HSH Suratno, S Suyanto JIAFE (Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi) 2 (2), 16-27, 2018 | 220 | 2018 |
REDD+ Readiness progress across countries: time for reconsideration PA Minang, M Van Noordwijk, LA Duguma, D Alemagi, TH Do, F Bernard, ... Climate policy 14 (6), 685-708, 2014 | 137 | 2014 |
Evolution of land tenure institutions and development of agroforestry: evidence from customary land areas of Sumatra K Otsuka, S Suyanto, T Sonobe, TP Tomich Agricultural economics 25 (1), 85-101, 2000 | 135 | 2000 |
Budidaya udang windu SR Suyanto, A Mujiman Penebar Swadaya, 2003 | 133 | 2003 |
Suyanto, 2001 W. de Jong, M. van Noordwijk, M. Sirait, N. Liswanti and S. Suyanto, Farming secondary forest in Indonesia N de Jong Journal of Tropical Forest Science 13, 705-726, 2001 | 118* | 2001 |
Budidaya Udang Windu A Mujiman, SR Suyanto (No Title), 1989 | 110 | 1989 |
Faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat kepercayaan penggunaan fintech pada UMKM dengan menggunakan technology acceptance model (TAM) S Suyanto, TA Kurniawan Akmenika: Jurnal Akuntansi Dan Manajemen 16 (1), 2019 | 98 | 2019 |
Pengaruh pengetahuan perpajakan, tingkat pendidikan, dan sanksi administrasi terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak dalam melakukan pembayaran pajak bumi dan bangunan (Studi kasus pada … T Wulandari, S Suyanto Jurnal Akuntansi 2 (2), 94-102, 2014 | 89 | 2014 |
Land tenure and farm management efficiency: The case of smallholder rubber production in customary land areas of Sumatra S Suyanto, TP Tomich, K Otsuka Agroforestry Systems 50 (2), 145-160, 2001 | 88 | 2001 |
Melanoma cancer classification using resnet with data augmentation A Budhiman, S Suyanto, A Arifianto 2019 international seminar on research of information technology and …, 2019 | 87 | 2019 |
The role of fire in changing land use and livelihoods in Riau-Sumatra S Suyanto, G Applegate, RP Permana, N Khususiyah, I Kurniawan Ecology and Society 9 (1), 15, 2004 | 86 | 2004 |
Suyanto.(2017) T Wahyuni, S Ayem Pengaruh Quick Ratio, Debt To Equity Ratio, Inventory Turnover dan Net …, 2011 | 84* | 2011 |
Carbon offsets for conservation and development in Indonesia? TP Tomich, H de Foresta, R Dennis, Q Ketterings, D Murdiyarso, C Palm, ... American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 17 (3), 125-137, 2002 | 83 | 2002 |
Land tenure, agroforestry adoption, and reduction of fire hazard in a forest zone: A case study from Lampung, Sumatra, Indonesia S Suyanto, R Pandu Permana, N Khususiyah, L Joshi Agroforestry Systems 65 (1), 1-11, 2005 | 80 | 2005 |
Indonesian chatbot of university admission using a question answering system based on sequence-to-sequence model YW Chandra, S Suyanto Procedia Computer Science 157, 367-374, 2019 | 79 | 2019 |
Robiyanto HSto (2006) Community fire use, resource change, and livelihood impacts: the downward spiral in the wetlands of southern Sumatra U Chokkalingam, S Suyanto, RP Permana, I Kurniawan, J Mannes, ... Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 12 (1), 75-100, 0 | 78* | |
Komodo mlipir algorithm S Suyanto, AA Ariyanto, AF Ariyanto Applied Soft Computing 114, 108043, 2022 | 77 | 2022 |
Migrants, land markets and carbon emissions in Jambi, Indonesia: land tenure change and the prospect of emission reduction G Galudra, M van Noordwijk, P Agung, S Suyanto, U Pradhan Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 19, 715-731, 2014 | 76 | 2014 |