Vincent A. A. Jansen
Cited by
Cited by
Threats to an ecosystem service: pressures on pollinators
AJ Vanbergen, IP Initiative
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11, 251–259, 2013
Modelling the influence of human behaviour on the spread of infectious diseases: a review
S Funk, M Salathé, VAA Jansen
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 7 (50), 1247-1256, 2010
The spread of awareness and its impact on epidemic outbreaks
S Funk, E Gilad, C Watkins, VAA Jansen
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (16), 6872-6877, 2009
Interaction strengths in food webs: issues and opportunities
EL Berlow, AM Neutel, JE Cohen, PC De Ruiter, BO Ebenman, ...
Journal of animal ecology, 585-598, 2004
The evolution of syntactic communication
MA Nowak, JB Plotkin, VAA Jansen
Nature 404 (6777), 495-498, 2000
Measles outbreaks in a population with declining vaccine uptake
VAA Jansen, N Stollenwerk, HJ Jensen, ME Ramsay, WJ Edmunds, ...
Science 301 (5634), 804-804, 2003
Altruism through beard chromodynamics
VAA Jansen, M Van Baalen
Nature 440 (7084), 663-666, 2006
Quantifying the kinetic parameters of prion replication
J Masel, VAA Jansen, MA Nowak
Biophysical chemistry 77 (2-3), 139-152, 1999
Lévy walks evolve through interaction between movement and environmental complexity
M de Jager, FJ Weissing, PMJ Herman, BA Nolet, J van de Koppel
Science 332 (6037), 1551-1553, 2011
Understanding bacteriophage therapy as a density-dependent kinetic process
RJH Payne, VAA Jansen
Journal of Theoretical Biology 208 (1), 37-48, 2001
Chronic sublethal stress causes bee colony failure
J Bryden, RJ Gill, RAA Mitton, NE Raine, VAA Jansen
Ecology letters 16 (12), 1463-1469, 2013
Endemic disease, awareness, and local behavioural response
S Funk, E Gilad, VAA Jansen
Journal of theoretical biology 264 (2), 501-509, 2010
Phage therapy: the peculiar kinetics of self‐replicating pharmaceuticals
RJH Payne, VAA Jansen
Clinical pharmacology & therapeutics 68 (3), 225-230, 2000
Quantitative Models of In Vitro Bacteriophage–Host Dynamics and Their Application to Phage Therapy
BJ Cairns, AR Timms, VAA Jansen, IF Connerton, RJH Payne
PLoS Pathogens 5 (1), e1000253, 2009
Pharmacokinetic principles of bacteriophage therapy
RJH Payne, VAA Jansen
Clinical pharmacokinetics 42, 315-325, 2003
Interacting epidemics on overlay networks
S Funk, VAA Jansen
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (3 …, 2010
The dynamics of two diffusively coupled predator–prey populations
VAA Jansen
Theoretical Population Biology 59 (2), 119-131, 2001
Regulation of predator-prey systems through spatial interactions: a possible solution to the paradox of enrichment
VAA Jansen
Oikos, 384-390, 1995
Pesticide reduces bumblebee colony initiation and increases probability of population extinction
GL Baron, VAA Jansen, MJF Brown, NE Raine
Nature Ecology & Evolution 1 (9), 1308-1316, 2017
Spatiotemporal dynamics of epidemics: synchrony in metapopulation models
AL Lloyd, VAA Jansen
Mathematical biosciences 188 (1-2), 1-16, 2004
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Articles 1–20