Ali Belmadani
Ali Belmadani
École Nationale de la Météorologie, Meteo France, Toulouse, France
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Cited by
What dynamics drive future wind scenarios for coastal upwelling off Peru and Chile?
A Belmadani, V Echevin, F Codron, K Takahashi, C Junquas
Climate Dynamics 43 (7-8), 1893-1914, 2014
Circulation and suspended sediment transport in a coral reef lagoon: The south-west lagoon of New Caledonia
S Ouillon, P Douillet, JP Lefebvre, R Le Gendre, A Jouon, P Bonneton, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 61 (7-12), 269-296, 2010
Sensitivity of the Humboldt Current system to global warming: a downscaling experiment of the IPSL-CM4 model
V Echevin, K Goubanova, A Belmadani, B Dewitte
Climate dynamics 38 (3-4), 761-774, 2012
P eru‐C hile upwelling dynamics under climate change
V Oerder, F Colas, V Echevin, F Codron, J Tam, A Belmadani
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (2), 1152-1172, 2015
Equatorially forced intraseasonal propagations along the Peru‐Chile coast and their relation with the nearshore eddy activity in 1992–2000: A modeling study
A Belmadani, V Echevin, B Dewitte, F Colas
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 117 (C4), 2012
Future changes in Atlantic hurricanes with the rotated-stretched ARPEGE-Climat at very high resolution
F Chauvin, R Pilon, P Palany, A Belmadani
Climate Dynamics 54, 947-972, 2020
Coastal Processes and Influence on Damage to Urban Structures during Hurricane Irma (St-Martin & St-Barthélemy, French West Indies)
T Rey, F Leone, T Candela, A Belmadani, P Palany, Y Krien, R Cécé, ...
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 7 (215), 2019
Can we improve parametric cyclonic wind fields using recent satellite remote sensing data?
Y Krien, G Arnaud, R Cécé, C Ruf, A Belmadani, J Khan, D Bernard, ...
Remote Sensing 2018 (10), 1963, 2018
ENSO feedbacks and associated time scales of variability in a multimodel ensemble
A Belmadani, B Dewitte, SI An
Journal of Climate 23 (12), 3181-3204, 2010
Striations and preferred eddy tracks triggered by topographic steering of the background flow in the eastern S outh P acific
A Belmadani, E Concha, D Donoso, A Chaigneau, F Colas, N Maximenko, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (4), 2847-2870, 2017
Expanding the conceptual framework of the spatial population structure and life history of jack mackerel in the eastern South Pacific: an oceanic seamount region as potential …
C Parada, A Gretchina, S Vásquez, A Belmadani, V Combes, B Ernst, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (9), 2398-2414, 2017
Mechanisms for the Emergence of Ocean Striations in the North Pacific
A Davis, E Di Lorenzo, H Luo, A Belmadani, N Maximenko, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 41, 948-953, 2014
Linear wind-forced beta plumes with application to the Hawaiian Lee Countercurrent
A Belmadani, NA Maximenko, JP Mccreary, R Furue, OV Melnichenko, ...
Journal of physical oceanography 43 (10), 2071-2094, 2013
Projected future changes in tropical cyclone-related wave climate in the North Atlantic
A Belmadani, A Dalphinet, F Chauvin, R Pilon, P Palany
Climate Dynamics, 2021
Designing scenarios for upscaling climate-smart agriculture on a small tropical island
S Selbonne, L Guindé, A Belmadani, C Bonine, FL Causeret, M Duval, ...
Agricultural Systems 199, 103408, 2022
A 30 m scale modeling of extreme gusts during Hurricane Irma (2017) landfall on very small mountainous islands in the Lesser Antilles
R Cécé, D Bernard, Y Krien, F Leone, T Candela, M Péroche, E Biabiany, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 21 (1), 129-145, 2021
Projections of tropical cyclone rainfall over land with an Eulerian approach: case study of three islands in the West Indies
P Cantet, A Belmadani, F Chauvin, P Palany
International Journal of Climatology, 2020
Chronic flooding events due to sea-level rise in French Guiana
R Thiéblemont, G Le Cozannet, M D'Anna, D Idier, A Belmadani, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (21695), 2023
Atmospheric drivers of oceanic north swells in the eastern Caribbean
TW Hawkins, I Gouirand, T Allen, A Belmadani
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10 (2), 183, 2022
North Atantic tropical cyclones: Historical simulations and future changes with the new high-resolution Arpege AGCM
R Pilon, F Chauvin, A Belmadani, P Palany
2017 AGU Fall Meeting, 2017
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Articles 1–20