Proartis: Probabilistically analyzable real-time systems FJ Cazorla, E Quiñones, T Vardanega, L Cucu, B Triquet, G Bernat, ... ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 12 (2s), 1-26, 2013 | 204 | 2013 |
Response time analysis for fixed-priority tasks with multiple probabilistic parameters D Maxim, L Cucu-Grosjean 2013 IEEE 34th Real-Time Systems Symposium, 224-235, 2013 | 116 | 2013 |
Delay analysis of AVB traffic in time-sensitive networks (TSN) D Maxim, YQ Song Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and …, 2017 | 101 | 2017 |
Re-sampling for statistical timing analysis of real-time systems D Maxim, M Houston, L Santinelli, G Bernat, RI Davis, L Cucu-Grosjean Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Real-Time and Network …, 2012 | 54 | 2012 |
Probabilistic analysis for mixed criticality systems using fixed priority preemptive scheduling D Maxim, RI Davis, L Cucu-Grosjean, A Easwaran Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and …, 2017 | 46 | 2017 |
Optimal Priority Assignment Algorithms for Probabilistic Real-Time Systems. D Maxim, O Buffet, L Santinelli, L Cucu-Grosjean, RI Davis RTNS, 129-138, 2011 | 37 | 2011 |
A component-based framework for modeling and analyzing probabilistic real-time systems L Santinelli, PM Yomsi, D Maxim, L Cucu-Grosjean ETFA2011, 1-8, 2011 | 30 | 2011 |
Probabilistic schedulability analysis for fixed priority mixed criticality real-time systems Y Abdeddaïm, D Maxim Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2017 …, 2017 | 28 | 2017 |
Schedulability analysis of dependent probabilistic real-time tasks S Ben-Amor, D Maxim, L Cucu-Grosjean Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and …, 2016 | 23 | 2016 |
Study of the reliability of statistical timing analysis for real-time systems D Maxim, F Soboczenski, I Bate, E Tovar Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on real time and networks …, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
Worst-case response time analysis for partitioned fixed-priority DAG tasks on identical processors BENA Slim, CG Liliana, D Maxim 2019 24th IEEE international conference on emerging technologies and factory …, 2019 | 12 | 2019 |
Estimation of probabilistic minimum inter-arrival times using extreme value theory C Maxim, A Gogonel, D Maxim, L Cucu | 11 | 2013 |
Improved sampling for statistical timing analysis of real-time systems D Maxim, L Santinelli, L Cucu-Grosjean Int. Conf. Real-Time and Network Syst.(RTNS), 17-20, 2010 | 10 | 2010 |
Analysis and simulation tools for probabilistic real-time systems D Maxim, A Bertout 8th International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded …, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Static probabilistic timing analysis for multicore processors with shared cache RI Davis, J Whitham, D Maxim Proceedings of the Real-Time Scheduling Open Problems Seminar (RTSOPS), 3-5, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Probabilistic analysis D Maxim, L Cucu-Grosjean, RI Davis Handbook of real-time computing, 323-346, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
On the Optimality of Priority Assignment for Probabilistic Real-Time Systems D Maxim, O Buffet, L Santinelli, L Cucu-Grosjean, R Davis 19th International Conference on Real-Time and Network Systems-RTNS 2011, 2011 | 3 | 2011 |
Towards an analysis framework for tasks with probabilistic execution times and probabilistic inter-arrival times D Maxim, L Cucu-Grosjean ACM SIGBED Review 9 (4), 33-36, 2012 | 2 | 2012 |
Towards optimal priority assignment for probabilistic real-time systems with variable execution times D Maxim, L Cucu-Grosjean 3rd Junior Researcher Workshop on Real-Time Computing-JRWRTC 2009, 2009 | 2 | 2009 |
Delay Analysis of AVB traffic in Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN) with application to multi-packet Video Frames D Maxim, YQ Song Loria, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |