Cristina Milesi
Cristina Milesi
NASA Ames Research Center
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Cited by
Mapping and modeling the biogeochemical cycling of turf grasses in the United States
C Milesi, SW Running, CD Elvidge, JB Dietz, BT Tuttle, RR Nemani
Environmental management 36, 426-438, 2005
Global distribution and density of constructed impervious surfaces
CD Elvidge, BT Tuttle, PS Sutton, KE Baugh, AT Howard, C Milesi, ...
Sensors 7 (9), 1962-1979, 2007
Assessing the impact of urban land development on net primary productivity in the southeastern United States
C Milesi, CD Elvidge, RR Nemani, SW Running
Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (3), 401-410, 2003
User’s guide GPP and NPP (MOD17A2/A3) products NASA MODIS land algorithm
FA Heinsch, M Reeves, P Votava, S Kang, C Milesi, M Zhao, J Glassy, ...
Version 2, 666-684, 2003
Variations in atmospheric CO2 growth rates coupled with tropical temperature
W Wang, P Ciais, RR Nemani, JG Canadell, S Piao, S Sitch, MA White, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (32), 13061-13066, 2013
Monitoring and forecasting ecosystem dynamics using the Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System (TOPS)
R Nemani, H Hashimoto, P Votava, F Melton, W Wang, A Michaelis, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 113 (7), 1497-1509, 2009
Generating global leaf area index from Landsat: Algorithm formulation and demonstration
S Ganguly, RR Nemani, G Zhang, H Hashimoto, C Milesi, A Michaelis, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 122, 185-202, 2012
Estimation of forest aboveground biomass in California using canopy height and leaf area index estimated from satellite data
G Zhang, S Ganguly, RR Nemani, MA White, C Milesi, H Hashimoto, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 151, 44-56, 2014
US constructed area approaches the size of Ohio
CD Elvidge, C Milesi, JB Dietz, BT Tuttle, PC Sutton, R Nemani, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 85 (24), 233-233, 2004
Artificial Outdoor Nighttime Lights Associate with Altered Sleep Behavior in the American General Population
MM Ohayon, C Milesi
Sleep 36 (6), 2016
Generating vegetation leaf area index earth system data record from multiple sensors. Part 1: Theory
S Ganguly, MA Schull, A Samanta, NV Shabanov, C Milesi, RR Nemani, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (12), 4333-4343, 2008
Assessing future risks to agricultural productivity, water resources and food security: How can remote sensing help?
PS Thenkabail, JW Knox, M Ozdogan, MK Gumma, RG Congalton, Z Wu, ...
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 78 (8), 2012
Green spaces and pregnancy outcomes in Southern California
O Laurent, J Wu, L Li, C Milesi
Health & place 24, 190-195, 2013
Observed 1970–2005 cooling of summer daytime temperatures in coastal California
B Lebassi, J González, D Fabris, E Maurer, N Miller, C Milesi, P Switzer, ...
Journal of Climate 22 (13), 3558-3573, 2009
Multi-scale standardized spectral mixture models
C Small, C Milesi
Remote Sensing of Environment 136, 442-454, 2013
Generating vegetation leaf area index Earth system data record from multiple sensors. Part 2: Implementation, analysis and validation
S Ganguly, A Samanta, MA Schull, NV Shabanov, C Milesi, RR Nemani, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (12), 4318-4332, 2008
Gpp and npp (mod17a2/a3) products nasa modis land algorithm
FA Heinsch, M Reeves, P Votava, S Kang, C Milesi, M Zhao, J Glassy, ...
MOD17 user’s guide, 1-57, 2003
Collaborative supercomputing for global change science
R Nemani, P Votava, A Michaelis, F Melton, C Milesi
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 92 (13), 109-110, 2011
Diagnosing and assessing uncertainties of terrestrial ecosystem models in a multimodel ensemble experiment: 1. Primary production
W Wang, J Dungan, H Hashimoto, AR Michaelis, C Milesi, K Ichii, ...
Global Change Biology 17 (3), 1350-1366, 2011
Global Cropland Area Database (GCAD) derived from remote sensing in support of food security in the twenty-first century: current achievements and future possibilities
P Teluguntla, PS Thenkabail, J Xiong, MK Gumma, C Giri, C Milesi, ...
Taylor & Francis 2, 01-45, 2015
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Articles 1–20