Divya Rao Ashok Kumar
Divya Rao Ashok Kumar
PhD Student, Carleton University
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Minimum variance optimal filter design for a 3x3 MEMS gyroscope cluster configuration
MM Heera, JK Divya, MS Varma, RA Divya, VK Agrawal
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (1), 639-645, 2016
A fast, parallel algorithm for fully overlapped Allan variance and total variance for analysis and modeling of noise in inertial sensors
SM Yadav, SK Shastri, GB Chakravarthi, V Kumar, D Rao
IEEE sensors letters 2 (2), 1-4, 2018
PIONS: a CubeSat imager to observe variable UV sources
S Ambily, J Mathew, M Sarpotdar, J Murthy, VK Aggarval, ...
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray 10699 …, 2018
H∞ tracking control for magnetically controlled nano-satellite
S Kumar, MS Varma, AD Rao, VK Agrawal
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (1), 166-172, 2016
Kalman filter based estimation of constant angular rate bias for mems gyroscope
I Lakshminarayan, D Rao
Proceedings of the IEEE TechSym 2014 Satellite Conference, Vellore, India, 7-8, 2014
A Systems Pedagogy and a Novel Brainstorming Approach to Initiate Pico/Nano/Micro-Satellite (PNMSat) Engineering Research and Development at Academic Institutions in India
S Asundi, D Rao
Journal of Engineering Education Transformations 32 (1), 103-114, 2018
Location based payload imaging
J Apoorva, B Mohan, A Beedu, MM Nayak, D Rao, VK Agrawal
2015 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and …, 2015
Implementation of three axis magnetic control mode for PISAT
SN Bhat, AH Krishnamurthy, DA Rao, MM Nayak, VK Agrawal
Proc. iCubeSat 2014, 3rd Interplanetary CubeSat Workshop, 27-28, 2014
MATLAB-based GUI development for stochastic noise analysis of tri-axial gyroscopes
AD Rao, P Kumar, N Nain, VK Agrawal
2014 Fifth International Symposium on Electronic System Design, 109-114, 2014
Study on Application of Machine Learning Intelligence for Identification and Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Case Study Robotic Manipulators
DKV Divya Rao Ashok Kumar, 50, 2019
Study on Application of Machine Learning Intelligence for Identification and Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Case Study Robotic Manipulators
KV Divya Rao Ashok Kumar, 2019
Onboard estimation and correction of magnetometer bias in MEMS based Tri axial Inertial Measurement Unit
D Rao, P Natarajan, VK Agrawal
Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems 9, 2013
Sustainable Passive Solar Daylighting with Open Loop Dual Axis Sun Tracking System
K Kulkarni, PHS Rohith, K Praveen, D Rao, VK Agrawal
Power System Design of student imaging Satellite
S Venugopalan, BM Dayanand, CN Shanmugham, D Rao, VS Rao, ...
Onboard Attitude Estimation using MEMS based Tri Axial Vector Magnetometers for Magnetically controlled Nano-Satellites
D Rao, P Natarajan, VK Agrawal
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Articles 1–15