María Adela Casco
María Adela Casco
Profesor Adjunto Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Investigador Independiente CONICET
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Application of diatom biotic indices in the Guadalquivir River Basin, a Mediterranean basin. Which one is the most appropriated?
G Martín, J Toja, SE Sala, MR Fernández, I Reyes, MA Casco
Environmental monitoring and assessment 170, 519-534, 2010
Plankton relationships under small water level fluctuations in a subtropical reservoir
ME Mac Donagh, MA Casco, MC Claps
Aquatic Ecology 43, 371-381, 2009
Colonization of a neotropical reservoir (Córdoba, Argentina) by Ceratium hirundinella (OF Müller) Bergh
ME Mac Donagh, MA Casco, MC Claps
Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology 41 (4), 291-299, 2005
Implications of rapid changes in chlorophyll-a of plankton, epipelon, and epiphyton in a Pampean shallow lake: an interpretation in terms of a conceptual model
MG Cano, MA Casco, LC Solari, ME Mac Donagh, NA Gabellone, ...
Hydrobiologia 614, 33-45, 2008
Phytoplankton and epipelon responses to clear and turbid phases in a seepage lake (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
MA Casco, ME Mac Donagh, MG Cano, LC Solari, MC Claps, ...
International Review of Hydrobiology 94 (2), 153-168, 2009
Limnological description of the Tarelo lagoon (SW Spain)
L Serrano, M Reina, A Arechederra Urrestarazu, MA Casco, ...
limnetica 23 (1-2), 001-10, 2004
Epipelon dynamics in a shallow lake through a turbid-and a clear-water regime
MG Cano, MA Casco, MC Claps
Cnr Ist Italiano Idrobiologia, 2016
Hydrological complexity supports high phytoplankton richness in the Doñana marshland (SW Spain)
I Reyes, MA Casco, J Toja, L Serrano
Hydrobiologia 614, 47-54, 2008
Land-use changes in the periurban interface: Hydrologic consequences on a flatland-watershed scale
MI Delgado, E Carol, MA Casco
Science of the Total Environment 722, 137836, 2020
Effect of environmental variables on epiphyton in a pampean lake with stable turbid-and clear-water states
MG Cano, MA Casco, MC Claps
Aquatic Biology 15 (1), 47-59, 2012
Efecto de la fluctuación de nivel del agua en la biomasa, la diversidad y las estrategias del perifiton de los embalses
MA Casco, J Toja
Limnética 22 (1-2), 115-134, 2003
The distribution and interaction of algal communities in reservoirs
MA Casco, J Toja
Ergebnisse der Limnologie 40, 85-85, 1994
Estudio limnológico en el lago Pellegrini (Río Negro, Argentina)
VH Conzonno, AA Mariazzi, MA Casco, R Echenique, HA Labollita, ...
Ecosur, 153-170, 1982
Vertical distribution of epiphyton biomass and diversity in a shallow lake during contrasting ecosystem regimes
MG Cano, MA Casco, MC Claps
Aquatic botany 110, 38-47, 2013
Phytoplankton from NE Doñana marshland (" El Cangrejo Grande", Doñana Natural Park, Spain)
I Reyes Barbara, G Martín, M Reina, A Arechederra Urrestarazu, ...
Limnetica 26 (2), 307-318, 2007
El perifiton del embalse de La Minilla: Relaciones con el fitoplancton y contribución a la producción total
MA Casco
El perifitón del embalse de la Minilla: relaciones con el fitoplancton y …, 1990
Conservación del plancton y protección de las cuencas hídricas
NA Gabellone, LC Solari, MA Casco, MC Claps
Augmdomus 5, 2013
Contribution of phytoplankton and periphyton to the production in a reservoir of SW Spain
J TOJA, MA Casco
Oecología aquatica 10 (10), 61-76, 1991
Ultrasound and its combination with natural antimicrobials: Effects on shelf life and quality stability of a fruit and vegetable smoothie
MA Casco, RJ Jagus, MV Agüero, MV Fernandez
Food and Bioprocess Technology, 1-16, 2022
Un caso inusual de eutrofización en el Embalse Río Tercero: el posible rol de dos bioinvasores
AJ Mariñelarena, ME Mac Donagh, JL Donadelli, MA Casco
Instituto de Limnología" Raúl A. Ringuelet", 2016
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Artículos 1–20