tianjin normal university,nankai university, nanjing university, city university of HongKong
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Cited by
Wave front engineering from an array of thin aperture antennas
M Kang, T Feng, HT Wang, J Li
Optics express 20 (14), 15882-15890, 2012
Spin-enabled plasmonic metasurfaces for manipulating orbital angular momentum of light
G Li, M Kang, S Chen, S Zhang, EYB Pun, KW Cheah, J Li
Nano letters 13 (9), 4148-4151, 2013
Tunable slow light in semiconductor metamaterial in a broad terahertz regime
Q Bai, C Liu, J Chen, C Cheng, M Kang, HT Wang
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (9), 2010
Coherent perfect absorption in an all-dielectric metasurface
W Zhu, F Xiao, M Kang, M Premaratne
Applied Physics Letters 108 (12), 2016
Asymmetric transmission for linearly polarized electromagnetic radiation
M Kang, J Chen, HX Cui, Y Li, HT Wang
Optics express 19 (9), 8347-8356, 2011
Effective spontaneous PT-symmetry breaking in hybridized metamaterials
JL Ming Kang, Fu Liu
Phys. Rev. A 87 (5), 053824, 2013
Tunable terahertz left-handed metamaterial based on multi-layer graphene-dielectric composite
W Zhu, F Xiao, M Kang, D Sikdar, M Premaratne
Applied Physics Letters 104 (5), 2014
Twisted vector field from an inhomogeneous and anisotropic metamaterial
M Kang, J Chen, XL Wang, HT Wang
JOSA B 29 (4), 572-576, 2012
Polarization-independent coherent perfect absorption by a dipole-like metasurface
M Kang, F Liu, TF Li, QH Guo, J Li, J Chen
Optics letters 38 (16), 3086-3088, 2013
Chiral exceptional points in metasurfaces
M Kang, J Chen, YD Chong
Physical Review A 94 (3), 033834, 2016
Unidirectional optical transmission in dual-metal gratings in the absence of anisotropic and nonlinear materials
J Xu, C Cheng, M Kang, J Chen, Z Zheng, YX Fan, HT Wang
Optics letters 36 (10), 1905-1907, 2011
Coherent control of optical spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion in metasurface
H Zhang, M Kang, X Zhang, W Guo, C Lu, Y Li, W Zhang, J Han
arXiv preprint arXiv:1607.04723, 2016
Critical route for coherent perfect absorption in a Fano resonance plasmonic system
M Kang, YD Chong, HT Wang, W Zhu, M Premaratne
Applied Physics Letters 105 (13), 2014
Coherent optical control of polarization with a critical metasurface
M Kang, YD Chong
Physical Review A 92 (4), 043826, 2015
Unidirectional phase singularity in ultrathin metamaterials at exceptional points
M Kang, HX Cui, TF Li, J Chen, W Zhu, M Premaratne
Physical Review A 89 (6), 065801, 2014
Slow light in a simple metamaterial structure constructed by cut and continuous metal strips
M Kang, YN Li, J Chen, J Chen, Q Bai, HT Wang, PH Wu
Applied Physics B 100, 699-703, 2010
MoS Broadband Coherent Perfect Absorber for Terahertz Waves
W Zhu, F Xiao, M Kang, D Sikdar, X Liang, J Geng, M Premaratne, R Jin
IEEE Photonics Journal 8 (6), 1-7, 2016
Fano–Feshbach resonance in structural symmetry broken metamaterials
M Kang, HX Cui, Y Li, B Gu, J Chen, HT Wang
Journal of Applied Physics 109 (1), 2011
Superconductive PT-symmetry phase transition in metasurfaces
D Wang, C Li, C Zhang, M Kang, X Zhang, B Jin, Z Tian, Y Li, S Zhang, ...
Applied Physics Letters 110 (2), 2017
Exceptional points in extraordinary optical transmission through dual subwavelength metallic gratings
HX Cui, XW Cao, M Kang, TF Li, M Yang, TJ Guo, QH Guo, J Chen
Optics Express 21 (11), 13368-13379, 2013
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