Jordi Pallares
Jordi Pallares
Associate Professor of Fluid Mechanics, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
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Variability of CFD Solutions for Pressure and Flow in a Giant Aneurysm: The SBC2012 CFD Challenge
DA Steinman, Y Hoi, P Fahy, L Morris, M Walsh, N Aristokleous, ...
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 1, 542, 2013
A Bayesian machine scientist to aid in the solution of challenging scientific problems
R Guimerà, I Reichardt, A Aguilar-Mogas, FA Massucci, M Miranda, ...
Science advances 6 (5), eaav6971, 2020
Flow transitions in laminar Rayleigh–Bénard convection in a cubical cavity at moderate Rayleigh numbers
J Pallares, FX Grau, F Giralt
International journal of heat and mass transfer 42 (4), 753-769, 1999
Real-world variability in the prediction of intracranial aneurysm wall shear stress: the 2015 international aneurysm CFD challenge
K Valen-Sendstad, AW Bergersen, Y Shimogonya, L Goubergrits, ...
Cardiovascular engineering and technology 9, 544-564, 2018
Natural convection in a cubical cavity heated from below at low Rayleigh numbers
J Pallares, I Cuesta, FX Grau, F Giralt
International journal of heat and mass transfer 39 (15), 3233-3247, 1996
The computational fluid dynamics rupture challenge 2013—phase II: variability of hemodynamic simulations in two intracranial aneurysms
P Berg, C Roloff, O Beuing, S Voss, SI Sugiyama, N Aristokleous, ...
Journal of biomechanical engineering 137 (12), 121008, 2015
Large-eddy simulations of turbulent flow in a rotating square duct
J Pallares, L Davidson
Physics of Fluids 12 (11), 2878-2894, 2000
Multiple aneurysms anatomy challenge 2018 (MATCH): phase I: segmentation
P Berg, S Voß, S Saalfeld, G Janiga, AW Bergersen, K Valen-Sendstad, ...
Cardiovascular engineering and technology 9, 565-581, 2018
Laminar and turbulent Rayleigh–Bénard convection in a perfectly conducting cubical cavity
J Pallares, I Cuesta, FX Grau
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 23 (3), 346-358, 2002
Large-eddy simulations of turbulent heat transfer in stationary and rotating square ducts
J Pallares, L Davidson
Physics of Fluids 14 (8), 2804-2816, 2002
Turbulent Rayleigh–Bénard convection of water in cubical cavities: a numerical and experimental study
L Valencia, J Pallares, I Cuesta, FX Grau
International journal of heat and mass transfer 50 (15-16), 3203-3215, 2007
Direct numerical simulation of the turbulent flow generated during a violent expiratory event
A Fabregat, F Gisbert, A Vernet, S Dutta, K Mittal, J Pallarès
Physics of Fluids 33 (3), 2021
Numerical simulation of the flow in a rotating disk filtration module
C Torras, J Pallares, R Garcia-Valls, MY Jaffrin
Desalination 235 (1-3), 122-138, 2009
Experimental laminar Rayleigh-Bénard convection in a cubical cavity at moderate Rayleigh and Prandtl numbers
J Pallares, MP Arroyo, FX Grau, F Giralt
Experiments in fluids 31 (2), 208-218, 2001
A modification of a Nusselt number correlation for forced convection in porous media
J Pallares, FX Grau
International communications in heat and mass transfer 37 (9), 1187-1190, 2010
Rayleigh-Bénard convection of water in a perfectly conducting cubical cavity: effects of temperature-dependent physical properties in laminar and turbulent regimes
L Valencia, J Pallares, I Cuesta, FX Grau
Numerical Heat Transfer, part A 47 (4), 333-352, 2005
CFD simulation of a rotating disk flat membrane module
C Torras, J Pallarès, R Garcia-Valls, MY Jaffrin
Desalination 200 (1-3), 453-455, 2006
Direct numerical simulation of turbulent dispersion of evaporative aerosol clouds produced by an intense expiratory event
A Fabregat, F Gisbert, A Vernet, JA Ferré, K Mittal, S Dutta, J Pallarès
Physics of Fluids 33 (3), 2021
Heat transfer and boundary layer analyses of laminar and turbulent natural convection in a cubical cavity with differently heated opposed walls
A Fabregat, J Pallarès
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 151, 119409, 2020
Steady and unsteady mixed convection flow in a cubical open cavity with the bottom wall heated
G Abdelmassih, A Vernet, J Pallares
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 101, 682-691, 2016
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Articles 1–20