Tyrone O. Rooney
Tyrone O. Rooney
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Upper mantle seismic structure beneath the Ethiopian hot spot: Rifting at the edge of the African low‐velocity anomaly
ID Bastow, AA Nyblade, GW Stuart, TO Rooney, MH Benoit
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 9 (12), 2008
Heads and tails: 30 million years of the Afar plume
T Furman, J Bryce, T Rooney, B Hanan, G Yirgu, D Ayalew
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 259 (1), 95-119, 2006
Water-saturated magmas in the Panama Canal region: a precursor to adakite-like magma generation?
TO Rooney, P Franceschi, CM Hall
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 161, 373-388, 2011
Elevated mantle temperature beneath East Africa
TO Rooney, C Herzberg, ID Bastow
Geology 40 (1), 27-30, 2012
The Cenozoic magmatism of East-Africa: Part I–Flood basalts and pulsed magmatism
TO Rooney
Lithos 286, 264-301, 2017
Lithospheric modification during crustal extension in the Main Ethiopian Rift
T Rooney, T Furman, I Bastow, D Ayalew, G Yirgu
J. Geophys. Res 112, B10201, 2007
Structure of the Ethiopian lithosphere: Xenolith evidence in the Main Ethiopian Rift
TO Rooney, T Furman, G Yirgu, D Ayalew
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69 (15), 3889-3910, 2005
Upper mantle pollution during Afar plume–continental rift interaction
TO Rooney, BB Hanan, DW Graham, T Furman, J Blichert-Toft, ...
Journal of Petrology 53 (2), 365-389, 2012
The role of continental lithosphere metasomes in the production of HIMU-like magmatism on the northeast African and Arabian plates
TO Rooney, WR Nelson, L Dosso, T Furman, B Hanan
Geology 42 (5), 419-422, 2014
Insights into extensional processes during magma assisted rifting: Evidence from aligned scoria cones
TO Rooney, ID Bastow, D Keir
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 201 (1-4), 83-96, 2011
Geochemical evidence of lithospheric thinning in the southern Main Ethiopian Rift
TO Rooney
Lithos 117 (1-4), 33-48, 2010
Rifted margins: State of the art and future challenges
G Peron-Pinvidic, G Manatschal, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 7, 218, 2019
Peralkaline magma evolution and the tephra record in the Ethiopian Rift
TO Rooney, WK Hart, CM Hall, D Ayalew, MS Ghiorso, P Hidalgo, G Yirgu
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 164, 407-426, 2012
The origin of along‐rift variations in faulting and magmatism in the Ethiopian Rift
D Keir, ID Bastow, G Corti, F Mazzarini, TO Rooney
Tectonics 34 (3), 464-477, 2015
The Cenozoic magmatism of East Africa: part V–magma sources and processes in the East African Rift
TO Rooney
Lithos 360, 105296, 2020
Enhanced East Pacific Rise hydrothermal activity during the last two glacial terminations
DC Lund, PD Asimow, KA Farley, TO Rooney, E Seeley, EW Jackson, ...
Science 351 (6272), 478-482, 2016
Melting the lithosphere: Metasomes as a source for mantle-derived magmas
TO Rooney, WR Nelson, D Ayalew, B Hanan, G Yirgu, J Kappelman
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 461, 105-118, 2017
Geochemical evidence of mantle reservoir evolution during progressive rifting along the western Afar margin
TO Rooney, P Mohr, L Dosso, C Hall
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 102, 65-88, 2013
Insights from North America's failed Midcontinent Rift into the evolution of continental rifts and passive continental margins
S Stein, CA Stein, R Elling, J Kley, GR Keller, M Wysession, T Rooney, ...
Tectonophysics 744, 403-421, 2018
The protracted development of focused magmatic intrusion during continental rifting
TO Rooney, ID Bastow, D Keir, F Mazzarini, E Movsesian, EB Grosfils, ...
Tectonics 33 (6), 875-897, 2014
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