Atle Nesje
Atle Nesje
Professor i kvartærgeologi, Universitetet i Bergen
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Holocene glacier fluctuations
ON Solomina, RS Bradley, DA Hodgson, S Ivy-Ochs, V Jomelli, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 111, 9-34, 2015
Holocene glacier fluctuations of Flatebreen and winter-precipitation changes in the Jostedalsbreen region, western Norvay, based on glaciolacustrine sediment records
A Nesje, JA Matthews, SO Dahl, MS Berrisford, C Andersson
The Holocene 11 (3), 267-280, 2001
A new approach to calculating Holocene winter precipitation by combining glacier equilibrium-line altitudes and pine-tree limits: a case stud from Hardangerjokulen, central …
SO Dahl, A Nesje
The Holocene 6 (4), 381-398, 1996
Norwegian mountain glaciers in the past, present and future
A Nesje, J Bakke, SO Dahl, Ø Lie, JA Matthews
Global and Planetary Change 60 (1-2), 10-27, 2008
Quaternary glaciations in southern Fennoscandia: evidence from southwestern Norway and the northern North Sea region
HP Sejrup, E Larsen, J Landvik, EL King, H Haflidason, A Nesje
Quaternary Science Reviews 19 (7), 667-685, 2000
A piston corer for lacustrine and marine sediments
A Nesje
Arctic and alpine research 24 (3), 257-259, 1992
Klima i Norge 2100. Bakgrunnsmateriale til NOU Klimatilplassing
I Hanssen-Bauer, H Drange, EJ Førland, LA Roald, KY Børsheim, ...
Norsk klimasenter, 2009
Holocene glacial and climate history of the Jostedalsbreen region, western Norway; evidence from lake sediments and terrestrial deposits
A Nesje, M Kvamme, N Rye, R Løvlie
Quaternary Science Reviews 10 (1), 87-114, 1991
Latest Pleistocene and Holocene alpine glacier fluctuations in Scandinavia
A Nesje
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (21-22), 2119-2136, 2009
Glaciers and environmental change
A Nesje, SO Dahl
Routledge, 2016
The ‘little ice age’–only temperature?
A Nesje, SO Dahl
The Holocene 13 (1), 139-145, 2003
Is the North Atlantic Oscillation reflected in Scandinavian glacier mass balance records?
A Nesje, Ø Lie, SO Dahl
Journal of Quaternary Science: Published for the Quaternary Research …, 2000
Glacier fluctuations during the past 2000 years
ON Solomina, RS Bradley, V Jomelli, A Geirsdottir, DS Kaufman, J Koch, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 149, 61-90, 2016
The Greenland 8200 cal. yr BP event detected in loss‐on‐ignition profiles in Norwegian lacustrine sediment sequences
A Nesje, SO Dahl
Journal of Quaternary Science: Published for the Quaternary Research …, 2001
Holocene glacier and climate variations in western Norway: evidence for early Holocene glacier demise and multiple Neoglacial events
A Nesje, M Kvamme
Geology 19 (6), 610-612, 1991
Paleoclimatic implications based on equilibrium-line altitude depressions of reconstructed Younger Dryas and Holocene cirque glaciers in inner Nordfjord, western Norway
SO Dahl, A Nesje
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 94 (1-4), 87-97, 1992
Holocene glacier fluctuations at Hardangerjøkulen, central-southern Norway: a high-resolution composite chronology from lacustrine and terrestrial deposits
SO Dahl, A Nesje
The Holocene 4 (3), 269-277, 1994
Holocene glacier variations in central Jotunheimen, southern Norway based on distal glaciolacustrine sediment cores
JA Matthews, SO Dahl, A Nesje, MS Berrisford, C Andersson
Quaternary Science Reviews 19 (16), 1625-1647, 2000
Holocene mean July temperature and winter precipitation in western Norvay inferred from palynological and glaciological lake-sediment proxies
AE Bjune, J Bakke, A Nesje, HJB Birks
The Holocene 15 (2), 177-189, 2005
Climate in Norway 2100–a knowledge base for climate adaptation
I Hanssen-Bauer, EJ Førland, I Haddeland, H Hisdal, D Lawrence, ...
NCCS report 1 (2017), 52, 2017
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Articles 1–20