Annick Vanhulsel
Annick Vanhulsel
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Synthesis of few-layer graphene via microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition
A Malesevic, R Vitchev, K Schouteden, A Volodin, L Zhang, ...
Nanotechnology 19 (30), 305604, 2008
Field emission from vertically aligned few-layer graphene
A Malesevic, R Kemps, A Vanhulsel, MP Chowdhury, A Volodin, ...
Journal of applied physics 104 (8), 084301, 2008
DLC solid lubricant coatings on ball bearings for space applications
A Vanhulsel, F Velasco, R Jacobs, L Eersels, D Havermans, EW Roberts, ...
Tribology International 40 (7), 1186-1194, 2007
Unconventional Pretreatment of Lignocellulose with Low‐Temperature Plasma
J Vanneste, T Ennaert, A Vanhulsel, B Sels
ChemSusChem 10 (1), 14-31, 2017
Plasma-treated PDMS-membranes in solvent resistant nanofiltration: characterization and study of transport mechanism
S Aerts, A Vanhulsel, A Buekenhoudt, H Weyten, S Kuypers, H Chen, ...
Journal of membrane science 275 (1-2), 212-219, 2006
Initial stages of few-layer graphene growth by microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition
R Vitchev, A Malesevic, RH Petrov, R Kemps, M Mertens, A Vanhulsel, ...
Nanotechnology 21 (9), 095602, 2010
Combined growth of carbon nanotubes and carbon nanowalls by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition
A Malesevic, S Vizireanu, R Kemps, A Vanhulsel, C Van Haesendonck, ...
Carbon 45 (15), 2932-2937, 2007
Tribological behaviour of DLC coatings in combination with biodegradable lubricants
K Vercammen, K Van Acker, A Vanhulsel, J Barriga, A Arnsek, M Kalin, ...
Tribology International 37 (11-12), 983-989, 2004
Inductively coupled rf plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition of diamond-like carbon coatings
A Vanhulsel, JP Celis, E Dekempeneer, J Meneve, J Smeets, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 8 (7), 1193-1197, 1999
Low-cost far infrared bolometer camera for automotive use
C Vieider, S Wissmar, P Ericsson, U Halldin, F Niklaus, G Stemme, ...
Infrared Technology and Applications XXXIII 6542, 65421L, 2007
Influence of surface treatment of elastomers on their frictional behaviour in sliding contact
B Verheyde, M Rombouts, A Vanhulsel, D Havermans, J Meneve, ...
Wear 266 (3-4), 468-475, 2009
Atmospheric pressure plasma treatment of polymeric powders
S Put, C Bertels, A Vanhulsel
Surface and Coatings Technology 234, 76-81, 2013
Modeling of a capacitively coupled radio-frequency methane plasma: Comparison between a one-dimensional and a two-dimensional fluid model
D Herrebout, A Bogaerts, M Yan, R Gijbels, W Goedheer, A Vanhulsel
Journal of applied physics 92 (5), 2290-2295, 2002
Study of the wear behaviour of diamond-like coatings at elevated temperatures
A Vanhulsel, B Blanpain, JP Celis, J Roos, E Dekempeneer, J Smeets
Surface and Coatings Technology 98 (1-3), 1047-1052, 1998
The importance of pretreatment and feedstock purity in the reductive splitting of (ligno) cellulose by metal supported USY zeolite
T Ennaert, BO de Beeck, J Vanneste, AT Smit, WJJ Huijgen, A Vanhulsel, ...
Green Chemistry 18 (7), 2095-2105, 2016
A one-dimensional fluid model for an acetylene RF discharge: A study of the plasma chemistry
D Herrebout, A Bogaerts, R Gijbels, WJ Goedheer, A Vanhulsel
IEEE transactions on plasma science 31 (4), 659-664, 2003
Surface analysis of NBR and HNBR elastomers modified with different plasma treatments
L Martínez, L Álvarez, Y Huttel, J Méndez, E Román, A Vanhulsel, ...
Vacuum 81 (11-12), 1489-1492, 2007
Characterization and Tribological Behaviour of Siloxane‐based Plasma Coatings on HNBR Rubber
B Verheyde, D Havermans, A Vanhulsel
Plasma Processes and Polymers 8 (8), 755-762, 2011
Study of the catalyst evolution during annealing preceding the growth of carbon nanotubes by microwave plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition
A Malesevic, H Chen, T Hauffman, A Vanhulsel, H Terryn, ...
Nanotechnology 18 (45), 455602, 2007
Structural and mechanical characterization of BCxNy thin films deposited by pulsed reactive magnetron sputtering
M Krause, L Bedel, A Taupeau, U Kreissig, F Munnik, G Abrasonis, ...
Thin Solid Films 518 (1), 77-83, 2009
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Articles 1–20