Wonmuk Hwang
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Cited by
Design of nanostructured biological materials through self-assembly of peptides and proteins
S Zhang, DM Marini, W Hwang, S Santoso
Current opinion in chemical biology 6 (6), 865-871, 2002
Self-assembly of surfactant-like peptides with variable glycine tails to form nanotubes and nanovesicles
S Santoso, W Hwang, H Hartman, S Zhang
Nano Letters 2 (7), 687-691, 2002
Left-handed helical ribbon intermediates in the self-assembly of a β-sheet peptide
DM Marini, W Hwang, DA Lauffenburger, S Zhang, RD Kamm
Nano Letters 2 (4), 295-299, 2002
Computational analysis of viscoelastic properties of crosslinked actin networks
T Kim, W Hwang, H Lee, RD Kamm
PLoS computational biology 5 (7), e1000439, 2009
Kinetic control of dimer structure formation in amyloid fibrillogenesis
W Hwang, S Zhang, RD Kamm, M Karplus
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (35), 12916-12921, 2004
Force generation in kinesin hinges on cover-neck bundle formation
W Hwang, MJ Lang, M Karplus
Structure 16 (1), 62-71, 2008
Kinesin's cover-neck bundle folds forward to generate force
AS Khalil, DC Appleyard, AK Labno, A Georges, M Karplus, AM Belcher, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (49), 19247-19252, 2008
Supramolecular structure of helical ribbons self-assembled from a β-sheet peptide
W Hwang, DM Marini, RD Kamm, S Zhang
The Journal of chemical physics 118 (1), 389-397, 2003
Structural basis for power stroke vs. Brownian ratchet mechanisms of motor proteins
W Hwang, M Karplus
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (40), 19777-19785, 2019
Computational analysis of a cross-linked actin-like network
T Kim, W Hwang, RD Kamm
Experimental Mechanics 49, 91-104, 2009
Hierarchical self-assembly of a coiled-coil peptide into fractal structure
A Lomander, W Hwang, S Zhang
Nano letters 5 (7), 1255-1260, 2005
Site-directed nanoparticle labeling of cytochrome c
ME Aubin-Tam, W Hwang, K Hamad-Schifferli
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (11), 4095-4100, 2009
Molecular basis for optical clearing of collagenous tissues
JM Hirshburg, KM Ravikumar, W Hwang, AT Yeh
Journal of biomedical optics 15 (5), 055002-055002-8, 2010
Critical phenomena of nonequilibrium dynamical systems with two absorbing states
WM Hwang, S Kwon, H Park, H Park
Physical Review E 57 (6), 6438, 1998
Epitaxially guided assembly of collagen layers on mica surfaces
WW Leow, W Hwang
Langmuir 27 (17), 10907-10913, 2011
Thermodynamic Selection of Steric Zipper Patterns in the Amyloid Cross-β Spine
J Park, B Kahng, W Hwang
PLoS computational biology 5 (9), e1000492, 2009
Molecular biomechanics: the molecular basis of how forces regulate cellular function
G Bao, RD Kamm, W Thomas, W Hwang, DA Fletcher, AJ Grodzinsky, ...
Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering 3, 91-105, 2010
Midbrain-hindbrain boundary morphogenesis: at the intersection of Wnt and Fgf signaling
HC Gibbs, A Chang-Gonzalez, W Hwang, AT Yeh, AC Lekven
Frontiers in neuroanatomy 11, 64, 2017
Region‐specific role of water in collagen unwinding and assembly
KM Ravikumar, W Hwang
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 72 (4), 1320-1332, 2008
Structural features of the αβTCR mechanotransduction apparatus that promote pMHC discrimination
KN Brazin, RJ Mallis, DK Das, Y Feng, W Hwang, J Wang, G Wagner, ...
Frontiers in immunology 6, 441, 2015
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Articles 1–20