Kevin P. O'Brien
Kevin P. O'Brien
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT
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Cited by
Probing excitonic dark states in single-layer tungsten disulphide
Z Ye, T Cao, K O’brien, H Zhu, X Yin, Y Wang, SG Louie, X Zhang
Nature 513 (7517), 214-218, 2014
A near–quantum-limited Josephson traveling-wave parametric amplifier
C Macklin, K O’Brien, D Hover, ME Schwartz, V Bolkhovsky, X Zhang, ...
Science, aaa8525, 2015
Edge Nonlinear Optics on a MoS2 Atomic Monolayer
X Yin, Z Ye, DA Chenet, Y Ye, K O’Brien, JC Hone, X Zhang
Science 344 (6183), 488-490, 2014
Lasing and anti-lasing in a single cavity
ZJ Wong, YL Xu, J Kim, K O'Brien, Y Wang, L Feng, X Zhang
Nature photonics 10 (12), 796-801, 2016
Phase Mismatch–Free Nonlinear Propagation in Optical Zero-Index Materials
H Suchowski, K O’Brien, ZJ Wong, A Salandrino, X Yin, X Zhang
Science 342 (6163), 1223-1226, 2013
Predicting nonlinear properties of metamaterials from the linear response
K O’Brien, H Suchowski, J Rho, A Salandrino, B Kante, X Yin, X Zhang
Nature materials 14 (4), 379-383, 2015
Quantum Information Scrambling on a Superconducting Qutrit Processor
MS Blok, VV Ramasesh, T Schuster, K O’Brien, JM Kreikebaum, D Dahlen, ...
Physical Review X 11 (2), 021010, 2021
Resonant Phase Matching of Josephson Junction Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers
K O’Brien, C Macklin, I Siddiqi, X Zhang
Physical Review Letters 113 (15), 157001, 2014
Resonant phase matching of Josephson junction traveling wave parametric amplifiers
K O’Brien, C Macklin, I Siddiqi, X Zhang
Physical review letters 113 (15), 157001, 2014
Magnetic hyperbolic optical metamaterials
SS Kruk, ZJ Wong, E Pshenay-Severin, K O'brien, DN Neshev, YS Kivshar, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11329, 2016
Randomized compiling for scalable quantum computing on a noisy superconducting quantum processor
A Hashim, RK Naik, A Morvan, JL Ville, B Mitchell, JM Kreikebaum, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.00215, 2020
Improving wafer-scale Josephson junction resistance variation in superconducting quantum coherent circuits
JM Kreikebaum, KP O’Brien, A Morvan, I Siddiqi
Superconductor Science and Technology 33 (6), 06LT02, 2020
Ultrafast acousto-plasmonic control and sensing in complex nanostructures
K O’Brien, ND Lanzillotti-Kimura, J Rho, H Suchowski, X Yin, X Zhang
Nature communications 5 (1), 4042, 2014
Adiabatic elimination-based coupling control in densely packed subwavelength waveguides
M Mrejen, H Suchowski, T Hatakeyama, C Wu, L Feng, K O’Brien, Y Wang, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7565, 2015
Qutrit randomized benchmarking
A Morvan, VV Ramasesh, MS Blok, JM Kreikebaum, K O’Brien, L Chen, ...
Physical review letters 126 (21), 210504, 2021
Symmetry breaking and optical negative index of closed nanorings
B Kanté, YS Park, K O’Brien, D Shuldman, ND Lanzillotti-Kimura, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 1180, 2012
Broadband squeezed microwaves and amplification with a Josephson travelling-wave parametric amplifier
JY Qiu, A Grimsmo, K Peng, B Kannan, B Lienhard, Y Sung, P Krantz, ...
Nature Physics 19 (5), 706-713, 2023
Quantum Metamaterial for Broadband Detection of Single Microwave Photons
AL Grimsmo, B Royer, JM Kreikebaum, Y Ye, K O’Brien, I Siddiqi, A Blais
Physical Review Applied 15 (3), 034074, 2021
Floquet-Mode Traveling-Wave Parametric Amplifiers
K Peng, M Naghiloo, J Wang, GD Cunningham, Y Ye, KP O’Brien
PRX Quantum 3 (2), 020306, 2022
Reflective interferometry for optical metamaterial phase measurements
K O’Brien, ND Lanzillotti-Kimura, H Suchowski, B Kante, Y Park, X Yin, ...
Optics Letters 37 (19), 4089-4091, 2012
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Articles 1–20