Maria Teresa Izquierdo Pantoja
Maria Teresa Izquierdo Pantoja
Investigadora, Instituto de Carboquímica, CSIC
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Cited by
Leaching behaviour of elements from coal combustion fly ash: an overview
M Izquierdo, X Querol
International Journal of Coal Geology 94, 54-66, 2012
Environmental, physical and structural characterisation of geopolymer matrixes synthesised from coal (co-) combustion fly ashes
E Álvarez-Ayuso, X Querol, F Plana, A Alastuey, N Moreno, M Izquierdo, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 154 (1-3), 175-183, 2008
Environmental characterization of burnt coal gangue banks at Yangquan, Shanxi Province, China
X Querol, M Izquierdo, E Monfort, E Álvarez, O Font, T Moreno, A Alastuey, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 75 (2), 93-104, 2008
Coal fly ash-slag-based geopolymers: Microstructure and metal leaching
M Izquierdo, X Querol, J Davidovits, D Antenucci, H Nugteren, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 166 (1), 561-566, 2009
Negative CO2 emissions through the use of biofuels in chemical looping technology: A review
T Mendiara, F García-Labiano, A Abad, P Gayán, LF de Diego, ...
Applied energy 232, 657-684, 2018
Chemical composition and minerals in pyrite ash of an abandoned sulphuric acid production plant
MLS Oliveira, CR Ward, M Izquierdo, CH Sampaio, IAS de Brum, ...
Science of the total environment 430, 34-47, 2012
Influence of soil cover on reducing the environmental impact of spontaneous coal combustion in coal waste gobs: A review and new experimental data
X Querol, X Zhuang, O Font, M Izquierdo, A Alastuey, I Castro, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 85 (1), 2-22, 2011
Hydrogen adsorption studies on single wall carbon nanotubes
A Anson, MA Callejas, AM Benito, WK Maser, MT Izquierdo, B Rubio, ...
Carbon 42 (7), 1243-1248, 2004
Different approaches to proximate analysis by thermogravimetry analysis
MC Mayoral, MT Izquierdo, JM Andrés, B Rubio
Thermochimica Acta 370 (1-2), 91-97, 2001
Nitrogen-doped carbon materials produced from hydrothermally treated tannin
FL Braghiroli, V Fierro, MT Izquierdo, J Parmentier, A Pizzi, A Celzard
Carbon 50 (15), 5411-5420, 2012
Partitioning of trace inorganic elements in a coal-fired power plant equipped with a wet Flue Gas Desulphurisation system
P Córdoba, R Ochoa-Gonzalez, O Font, M Izquierdo, X Querol, C Leiva, ...
Fuel 92 (1), 145-157, 2012
Fly ash from a Mexican mineral coal I: Mineralogical and chemical characterization
A Medina, P Gamero, X Querol, N Moreno, B De León, M Almanza, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 181 (1-3), 82-90, 2010
Nanoparticles from construction wastes: A problem to health and the environment
MLS Oliveira, M Izquierdo, X Querol, RN Lieberman, BK Saikia, LFO Silva
Journal of Cleaner Production 219, 236-243, 2019
Biomass chemical looping gasification for syngas production using ilmenite as oxygen carrier in a 1.5 kWth unit
O Condori, F García-Labiano, LF de Diego, MT Izquierdo, A Abad, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 405, 126679, 2021
Leaching of potential hazardous elements of coal cleaning rejects
LFO Silva, M Izquierdo, X Querol, RB Finkelman, MLS Oliveira, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 175, 109-126, 2011
Fuel additives from glycerol etherification with light olefins: state of the art
JF Izquierdo, M Montiel, I Palés, PR Outón, M Galán, L Jutglar, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (9), 6717-6724, 2012
Low-temperature co-pyrolysis of a low-rank coal and biomass to prepare smokeless fuel briquettes
MJ Blesa, JL Miranda, R Moliner, MT Izquierdo, JM Palacios
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 70 (2), 665-677, 2003
Influence of activation atmosphere used in the chemical activation of almond shell on the characteristics and adsorption performance of activated carbons
AM de Yuso, B Rubio, MT Izquierdo
Fuel processing technology 119, 74-80, 2014
Influence of low-rank coal char properties on their SO2 removal capacity from flue gases: I. Non-activated chars
B Rubio, MT Izquierdo
Carbon 35 (7), 1005-1011, 1997
Low cost adsorbents for low temperature cleaning of flue gases
B Rubio, MT Izquierdo
Fuel 77 (6), 631-637, 1998
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Articles 1–20