Condition and Trends of Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity HM Pereira, E Bohensky, MV Espaldon Ecosystems and Human Well-being 8, 171, 2005 | 54 | 2005 |
Fostering climate change mitigation through a community-based approach: Carbon stock potential of community-managed mangroves in the Philippines DT Gevaña, JM Pulhin, MA Tapia Coastal management, 271-282, 2019 | 32 | 2019 |
Ecosystems and people: the Philippine millennium ecosystem assessment (MA) sub-global assessment RD Lasco, MVO Espaldon, MA Tapia Environmental Forestry Programme, College of Forestry and Natural Resources …, 2005 | 27 | 2005 |
Building institutional resilience in the context of climate change in Aurora, Philippines LB Grefalda, JM Pulhin, MA Tapia, DB Anacio, CC De Luna, LL Sabino, ... Environmental Research 186, 109584, 2020 | 25 | 2020 |
Vulnerability of communities to climate variability and extremes: the Pantabangan-Carranglan watershed in the Philippines JM Pulhin, RJJ Peras, RVO Cruz, RD Lasco, FB Pulhin, MA Tapia AIACCWorking Paper 44, 2006 | 25 | 2006 |
Landscape fragmentation, ecosystem services, and local knowledge in the Baroro River Watershed, Northern Philippines MAM Ramirez, JM Pulhin, JE Garcia, MA Tapia, FB Pulhin, RVO Cruz, ... Resources 8 (4), 164, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
Integrating disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation: Initiatives and challenges in the Philippines JM Pulhin, MA Tapia, RT Perez Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction: An Asian Perspective …, 2010 | 14 | 2010 |
Componentes de la diversidad biológica empleados por las familias manabitas en la medicina natural y tradicional A Jimenez, S Rosete, CG Cantos, MV Tapia, SI Castro, R Gras, ... Quito, Ecuador: MAWIL. doi: https://doi. org/10.26820/978-9942-826-71-8, 2021 | 13 | 2021 |
Climate Variability and Extremes in the Pantabangan–Carranglan Watershed of the Philippines:: An Assessment of Vulnerability JM Pulhin, RJJ Peras, RV Cruz, RD Lasco, FB Pulhin, MA Tapia Climate Change and Vulnerability and Adaptation, 307-332, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
A review of the multi-sectoral forest protection committees in the Philippines. RVO Cruz, MA Tapia | 8 | 2005 |
Knowledge, risk attitudes and perceptions on extreme weather events of smallholder farmers in ligao city, albay, bicol, philippines A Peria, J Pulhin, M Tapia, C Predo Jr, RJ Peras, RJ Evangelista, R Lasco, ... Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
Climate change adaptation in the Philippines JM Pulhin, MA Tapia Climate change adaptation in Southeast Asia, 129-173, 2022 | 6 | 2022 |
Vulnerability and sustainable development: Issues and challenges from the Philippines’ agricultural and water sectors JM Pulhin, MA Tapia Sustainable development and disaster risk reduction, 189-206, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
Devolving bundles of rights or bundles of responsibilities? Impacts of forest tenure reform in the Philippines JM Pulhin, MA Tapia Ecosystems and Development Journal 5 (2), 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
History of a legend: managing the Makiling forest reserve JM Pulhin, MA Tapia IN SEARCH OF EXCELLENCE: Exemplary forest management in Asia and the Pacific 261, 2005 | 6 | 2005 |
Philippine Climate Change Assessment: Mitigation of Climate Change. Philippines: The Oscar M L Buendia, R Lasco, JB Biona, R Badrina, M Baviera, A De Jesus, ... Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management …, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Ecología Forestal: Una mirada desde la UNESUM A Jiménez, J Gabriel, M Tapia Grupo COMPAS, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí, Jipijapa, Ecuador, 141, 2017 | 5 | 2017 |
Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change of selected community-based forest management areas in Oas, Albay, Philippines. MA Tapia, JM Pulhin, RJJ Peras | 5 | 2014 |
Responses of Filipino farmers to harsh weather phenomena: A risk perception and attitude study NAV Castro, NHA Dagamac, MA Tapia | 4 | 2019 |
Philippine landcare after nine years: a study on the impacts of agroforestry on communities, farming households, and the local environment in Mindanao MVO Espaldon, MU Tapia, JD Villanueva, P Jaranilla-Sanchez World Agroforestry Centre, 2006 | 3 | 2006 |