Kevin Madore, PhD
Kevin Madore, PhD
Staff Research Scientist
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Cited by
Creativity and memory: Effects of an episodic-specificity induction on divergent thinking
KP Madore, DR Addis, DL Schacter
Psychological science 26 (9), 1461-1468, 2015
Remembering the past and imagining the future: Identifying and enhancing the contribution of episodic memory
DL Schacter, KP Madore
Memory Studies 9 (3), 245-255, 2016
Constructive episodic simulation: dissociable effects of a specificity induction on remembering, imagining, and describing in young and older adults.
KP Madore, B Gaesser, DL Schacter
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 40 (3), 609, 2014
Worrying about the future: An episodic specificity induction impacts problem solving, reappraisal, and well-being.
HG Jing, KP Madore, DL Schacter
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (4), 402, 2016
Future planning: default network activity couples with frontoparietal control network and reward-processing regions during process and outcome simulations
KD Gerlach, RN Spreng, KP Madore, DL Schacter
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 9 (12), 1942-1951, 2014
Divergent creative thinking in young and older adults: Extending the effects of an episodic specificity induction
KP Madore, HG Jing, DL Schacter
Memory & cognition 44, 974-988, 2016
Memory failure predicted by attention lapsing and media multitasking
KP Madore, AM Khazenzon, CW Backes, J Jiang, MR Uncapher, ...
Nature 587 (7832), 87-91, 2020
An episodic specificity induction enhances means-end problem solving in young and older adults.
KP Madore, DL Schacter
Psychology and aging 29 (4), 913, 2014
Neural mechanisms of episodic retrieval support divergent creative thinking
KP Madore, PP Thakral, RE Beaty, DR Addis, DL Schacter
Cerebral Cortex 29 (1), 150-166, 2019
A role for the left angular gyrus in episodic simulation and memory
PP Thakral, KP Madore, DL Schacter
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (34), 8142-8149, 2017
Episodic specificity induction impacts activity in a core brain network during construction of imagined future experiences
KP Madore, KK Szpunar, DR Addis, DL Schacter
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (38), 10696-10701, 2016
Remembering the past and imagining the future: Selective effects of an episodic specificity induction on detail generation
KP Madore, DL Schacter
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (2), 285-298, 2016
Preparing for what might happen: An episodic specificity induction impacts the generation of alternative future events
HG Jing, KP Madore, DL Schacter
Cognition 169, 118-128, 2017
Core network contributions to remembering the past, imagining the future, and thinking creatively
RE Beaty, PP Thakral, KP Madore, M Benedek, DL Schacter
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 30 (12), 1939-1951, 2018
Modulation of hippocampal brain networks produces changes in episodic simulation and divergent thinking
PP Thakral, KP Madore, SE Kalinowski, DL Schacter
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (23), 12729-12740, 2020
Multicosts of multitasking
KP Madore, AD Wagner
Cerebrum: the Dana forum on brain science 2019, 2019
Episodic specificity induction and scene construction: Evidence for an event construction account
KP Madore, HG Jing, DL Schacter
Consciousness and Cognition 68, 1-11, 2019
Increased hippocampus to ventromedial prefrontal connectivity during the construction of episodic future events
KL Campbell, KP Madore, RG Benoit, PP Thakral, DL Schacter
Hippocampus 28 (2), 76-80, 2018
Selective effects of specificity inductions on episodic details: evidence for an event construction account
KP Madore, HG Jing, DL Schacter
Memory 27 (2), 250-260, 2019
Reinstatement of event details during episodic simulation in the hippocampus
PP Thakral, KP Madore, DR Addis, DL Schacter
Cerebral Cortex 30 (4), 2321-2337, 2020
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Articles 1–20