GW Allison
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Cited by
Marine reserves are necessary but not sufficient for marine conservation
GW Allison, J Lubchenco, MH Carr
Ecological applications 8 (sp1), S79-S92, 1998
Ensuring persistence of marine reserves: catastrophes require adopting an insurance factor
GW Allison, SD Gaines, J Lubchenco, HP Possingham
Ecological Applications 13 (sp1), 8-24, 2003
The influence of species diversity and stress intensity on community resistance and resilience
G Allison
Ecological Monographs 74 (1), 117-134, 2004
Mussel disturbance dynamics: signatures of oceanographic forcing from local interactions
F Guichard, PM Halpin, GW Allison, J Lubchenco, BA Menge
The American Naturalist 161 (6), 889-904, 2003
Migration delays caused by anthropogenic barriers: modeling dams, temperature, and success of migrating salmon smolts
EA Marschall, ME Mather, DL Parrish, GW Allison, JR McMenemy
Ecological Applications 21 (8), 3014-3031, 2011
The implications of experimental design for biodiversity manipulations
GW Allison
The American Naturalist 153 (1), 26-45, 1999
Fifteen degrees of separation: Latitudinal gradients of rocky intertidal biota along the California Current
GC Schoch, BA Menge, G Allison, M Kavanaugh, SA Thompson, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 51 (6), 2564-2585, 2006
Scale, environment, and trophic status: the context dependency of community saturation in rocky intertidal communities
R Russell, SA Wood, G Allison, BA Menge
The American Naturalist 167 (6), E158-E170, 2006
Stasis or kinesis? Hidden dynamics of a rocky intertidal macrophyte mosaic revealed by a spatially explicit approach
BA Menge, GW Allison, CA Blanchette, TM Farrell, AM Olson, TA Turner, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 314 (1), 3-39, 2005
Validating a pencil-and-paper measure of perimenopausal menstrual blood loss
PK Mansfield, A Voda, G Allison
Women's health issues 14 (6), 242-247, 2004
Effects of temporary starvation on larvae of the sea star Asterina miniata
GW Allison
Marine biology 118, 255-261, 1994
Predictability and uncertainty in community regulation: consequences of reduced consumer diversity in coastal rock ecosystems
GW Allison
SCOPE 55: Functional Roles of Biodiversity: A Global Perspective, 371-372, 1996
Coastal systems
J Lubchenco, GW Allison, SA Navarrete, BA Menge, JC Castilla, O Defeo, ...
Global biodiversity assessment, 370-381, 1995
Outcomes of the Halliburton Loophole: Chemicals Regulated by the Safe Drinking Water Act in US Fracking Disclosures, 2014-2021
V Underhill, A Fiuza, G Allison, G Poudrier, S Lerman-Sinkoff, L Vera, ...
Environmental Pollution, 120552, 2022
Increases in trade secret designations in hydraulic fracturing fluids and their potential implications for environmental health and water quality
V Underhill, G Allison, H Huntzinger, C Mason, A Noreck, E Suyama, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 351, 119611, 2024
The ecological consequences of the reduction of species diversity: experimental approaches
GW Allison
Oregon State University, 1997
Response of a rocky intertidal ecosystem engineer and community dominant to climate change
F Guichard, P Halpin, G Allison, J Lubchenco, BA Menge
Am. Nat 161, 889-904, 2003
122 Local to Coastal‐Scale Macrophyte Community Structure: Surprizing Patterns and Possible Mechanisms
BA Menge, G Allison, T Freidenburg, M Kavanaugh, J Lubchenco, ...
Journal of Phycology 39, 42-42, 2003
open-FF: Making the FracFocus Disclosure Data into a Usable Resource [Source Code].
GW Allison, 2022
Extracting customized data sets from a cleaned FracFocus resource [Source Code].
GW Allison, S Lerman-Sinkoff, 2020
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Articles 1–20