Ana S. Barreira
Ana S. Barreira
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Probing evolutionary patterns in Neotropical birds through DNA barcodes
KCR Kerr, DA Lijtmaer, AS Barreira, PDN Hebert, PL Tubaro
PLoS One 4 (2), e4379, 2009
DNA barcodes provide new evidence of a recent radiation in the genus Sporophila (Aves: Passeriformes)
L Campagna, DA Lijtmaer, KCR Kerr, AS Barreira, PDN Hebert, ...
Molecular Ecology Resources 10 (3), 449-458, 2010
DNA barcode libraries provide insight into continental patterns of avian diversification
DA Lijtmaer, KCR Kerr, AS Barreira, PDN Hebert, PL Tubaro
PLoS One 6 (7), e20744, 2011
Continental-scale analysis reveals deep diversification within the polytypic Red-crowned Ant Tanager (Habia rubica, Cardinalidae)
PD Lavinia, P Escalante, NC García, AS Barreira, N Trujillo-Arias, ...
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 89, 182-193, 2015
The multiple applications of DNA barcodes in avian evolutionary studies
AS Barreira, DA Lijtmaer, PL Tubaro
Genome 59 (11), 899-911, 2016
Contrasting evolutionary histories in Neotropical birds: Divergence across an environmental barrier in South America
PD Lavinia, AS Barreira, L Campagna, PL Tubaro, DA Lijtmaer
Molecular Ecology 28 (7), 1730-1747, 2019
Evolution between forest macrorefugia is linked to discordance between genetic and morphological variation in Neotropical passerines
N Trujillo-Arias, MJ Rodríguez-Cajarville, E Sari, CY Miyaki, FR Santos, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 149, 106849, 2020
Congruence of phenotypic and genetic variation at the subspecific level in a Neotropical passerine
NC García, AS Barreira, PD Lavinia, PL Tubaro
Ibis 158 (4), 844-856, 2016
Fluorescent and ultraviolet sexual dichromatism in the blue‐winged parrotlet
AS Barreira, MG Lagorio, DA Lijtmaer, SC Lougheed, PL Tubaro
Journal of Zoology 288 (2), 135-142, 2012
Intraspecific and interspecific vocal variation in three Neotropical cardinalids (Passeriformes: Fringillidae) and its relationship with body mass
NC García, AS Barreira, C Kopuchian, PL Tubaro
Emu-Austral Ornithology 114 (2), 129-136, 2014
Structural color in the Swallow Tanager (Tersina viridis): Using the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method to simulate disorder in natural photonic crystals
C D'Ambrosio, DC Skigin, ME Inchaussandague, A Barreira, P Tubaro
Physical Review E 98 (3), 032403, 2018
Viewing geometry affects sexual dichromatism and conspicuousness of noniridescent plumage of Swallow Tanagers (Tersina viridis)
AS Barreira, NC García, SC Lougheed, PL Tubaro
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 133 (3), 530-543, 2016
Visual and acoustic communication in Neotropical birds: Diversity and evolution of signals
AS Barreira, NC García
Behavioral Ecology of Neotropical Birds, 155-183, 2019
Subspecific and temporal variation in the structurally based coloration of the ultramarine grosbeak
AS Barreira, DA Lijtmaer, SC Lougheed, PL Tubaro
The Condor 109 (1), 187-192, 2007
Blue males and green females: sexual dichromatism in the Blue Dacnis (Dacnis cayana) and the Swallow Tanager (Tersina viridis)
AS Barreira, GV García, DA Lijtmaer, S Lougheed, PL Tubaro
Neotropical Ornithological Society, 2008
Analysis of the optical properties of the silvery spots on the wings of the Gulf Fritillary, Dione vanillae
A Dolinko, L Borgmann, C Lutz, ER Curticean, I Wacker, MS Vidal, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 19341, 2021
UV sensitive vision in cardinals and tanagers is ubiquitous
B Casalía, E Vilacoba, PD Lavinia, PL Tubaro, AS Barreira
Emu-Austral Ornithology 120 (4), 355-359, 2020
Structural colour in Tersina viridis
CN D'ambrosio, ME Inchaussandague, DC Skigin, AS Barreira, ...
Sociedad Espanola de Optica, 2017
Theoretical approaches to study the optical response of the red-legged honeycreeper’s plumage (Cyanerpes cyaneus)
GM Urquia, ME Inchaussandague, DC Skigin, M Lester, A Barreira, ...
Applied Optics 59 (13), 3901-3909, 2020
Mechanisms involved in the production of differently colored feathers in the structurally colored swallow tanager (Tersina viridis; Aves: Thraupidae)
LT Bazzano, LR Mendicino, ME Inchaussandague, DC Skigin, NC García, ...
Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B: Molecular and Developmental …, 2021
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Articles 1–20