Peter Koval
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The regulation of negative and positive affect in daily life.
K Brans, P Koval, P Verduyn, YL Lim, P Kuppens
Emotion 13 (5), 926, 2013
Affect dynamics in relation to depressive symptoms: Variable, unstable or inert?
P Koval, ML Pe, K Meers, P Kuppens
Emotion 13 (6), 1132, 2013
Getting stuck in depression: The roles of rumination and emotional inertia
P Koval, P Kuppens, NB Allen, L Sheeber
Cognition & emotion 26 (8), 1412-1427, 2012
From data to causes I: Building a general cross-lagged panel model (GCLM)
MJ Zyphur, PD Allison, L Tay, MC Voelkle, KJ Preacher, Z Zhang, ...
Organizational Research Methods 23 (4), 651-687, 2020
The wisdom to know the difference: strategy-situation fit in emotion regulation in daily life is associated with well-being
SJ Haines, J Gleeson, P Kuppens, T Hollenstein, J Ciarrochi, ...
Psychological science 27 (12), 1651-1659, 2016
Affective dynamics in psychopathology
TJ Trull, SP Lane, P Koval, UW Ebner-Priemer
Emotion Review 7 (4), 355-361, 2015
Blaming, praising, and protecting our humanity: The implications of everyday dehumanization for judgments of moral status
B Bastian, SM Laham, S Wilson, N Haslam, P Koval
British Journal of Social Psychology 50 (3), 469-483, 2011
The name-pronunciation effect: Why people like Mr. Smith more than Mr. Colquhoun
SM Laham, P Koval, AL Alter
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (3), 752-756, 2012
Negative emotion differentiation: Its personality and well-being correlates and a comparison of different assessment methods
Y Erbas, E Ceulemans, M Lee Pe, P Koval, P Kuppens
Cognition and Emotion 28 (7), 1196-1213, 2014
Changing emotion dynamics: individual differences in the effect of anticipatory social stress on emotional inertia.
P Koval, P Kuppens
Emotion 12 (2), 256, 2012
Affective instability in daily life is predicted by resting heart rate variability
P Koval, B Ogrinz, P Kuppens, O Van den Bergh, F Tuerlinckx, S Sütterlin
PloS one 8 (11), e81536, 2013
Sexual objectification in women's daily lives: A smartphone ecological momentary assessment study
E Holland, P Koval, M Stratemeyer, F Thomson, N Haslam
British Journal of Social Psychology 56 (2), 314-333, 2017
Emotional inertia and external events: The roles of exposure, reactivity, and recovery
P Koval, A Brose, ML Pe, M Houben, Y Erbas, D Champagne, P Kuppens
Emotion 15 (5), 625-636, 2015
Feeling bad about being sad: The role of social expectancies in amplifying negative mood.
B Bastian, P Kuppens, MJ Hornsey, J Park, P Koval, Y Uchida
Emotion 12 (1), 69, 2012
Emotional inertia contributes to depressive symptoms beyond perseverative thinking
A Brose, F Schmiedek, P Koval, P Kuppens
Cognition and Emotion 29 (3), 527-538, 2015
From data to causes II: Comparing approaches to panel data analysis
MJ Zyphur, MC Voelkle, L Tay, PD Allison, KJ Preacher, Z Zhang, ...
Organizational Research Methods 23 (4), 688-716, 2020
Modeling individual differences in emotion regulation repertoire in daily life with multilevel latent profile analysis.
G Grommisch, P Koval, JDX Hinton, J Gleeson, T Hollenstein, P Kuppens, ...
Emotion 20 (8), 1462, 2020
The bipolarity of affect and depressive symptoms.
E Dejonckheere, M Mestdagh, M Houben, Y Erbas, M Pe, P Koval, ...
Journal of personality and social psychology 114 (2), 323, 2018
Executive well-being: Updating of positive stimuli in working memory is associated with subjective well-being
ML Pe, P Koval, P Kuppens
Cognition 126 (2), 335-340, 2013
The relation between valence and arousal in subjective experience varies with personality and culture
P Kuppens, F Tuerlinckx, M Yik, P Koval, J Coosemans, KJ Zeng, ...
Journal of personality 85 (4), 530-542, 2017
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Articles 1–20