Pim van 't Hof
Cited by
Cited by
On the computational complexity of vertex integrity and component order connectivity
PG Drange, M Dregi, P van’t Hof
Algorithmica 76, 1181-1202, 2016
Minimal dominating sets in graph classes: combinatorial bounds and enumeration
JF Couturier, P Heggernes, P Van’t Hof, D Kratsch
Theoretical Computer Science 487, 82-94, 2013
Obtaining a bipartite graph by contracting few edges
P Heggernes, PVT Hof, D Lokshtanov, C Paul
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 27 (4), 2143-2156, 2013
Contracting graphs to paths and trees
P Heggernes, P Van’t Hof, B Lévêque, D Lokshtanov, C Paul
Algorithmica 68, 109-132, 2014
Parameterized complexity of vertex deletion into perfect graph classes
P Heggernes, P Van’t Hof, BMP Jansen, S Kratsch, Y Villanger
Theoretical Computer Science 511, 172-180, 2013
A new characterization of P6-free graphs
P van’t Hof, D Paulusma
Discrete applied mathematics 158 (7), 731-740, 2010
Computing the metric dimension for chain graphs
H Fernau, P Heggernes, P van't Hof, D Meister, R Saei
Information Processing Letters 115 (9), 671-676, 2015
Obtaining planarity by contracting few edges
PA Golovach, P van’t Hof, D Paulusma
Theoretical Computer Science 476, 38-46, 2013
Partitioning graphs into connected parts
P van’t Hof, D Paulusma, GJ Woeginger
Theoretical computer science 410 (47-49), 4834-4843, 2009
Computing minimum geodetic sets of proper interval graphs
T Ekim, A Erey, P Heggernes, P van’t Hof, D Meister
Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics, 279-290, 2012
Proper interval vertex deletion
P Van’t Hof, Y Villanger
Algorithmica 65 (4), 845-867, 2013
On graph contractions and induced minors
P van’t Hof, M Kamiński, D Paulusma, S Szeider, DM Thilikos
Discrete Applied Mathematics 160 (6), 799-809, 2012
Edge contractions in subclasses of chordal graphs
R Belmonte, P Heggernes, P van’t Hof
Discrete Applied Mathematics 160 (7-8), 999-1010, 2012
Detecting fixed patterns in chordal graphs in polynomial time
R Belmonte, PA Golovach, P Heggernes, P van’t Hof, M Kamiński, ...
Algorithmica 69 (3), 501-521, 2014
Finding contractions and induced minors in chordal graphs via disjoint paths
R Belmonte, PA Golovach, P Heggernes, P van’t Hof, M Kamiński, ...
Algorithms and Computation: 22nd International Symposium, ISAAC 2011 …, 2011
Constructing fair round robin tournaments with a minimum number of breaks
P van’t Hof, G Post, D Briskorn
Operations Research Letters 38 (6), 592-596, 2010
Graph classes and Ramsey numbers
R Belmonte, P Heggernes, P van’t Hof, A Rafiey, R Saei
Discrete applied mathematics 173, 16-27, 2014
Induced subgraph isomorphism on proper interval and bipartite permutation graphs
P Heggernes, P van't Hof, D Meister, Y Villanger
Theoretical Computer Science 562, 252-269, 2015
Maximal Induced Matchings in Triangle‐Free Graphs
M Basavaraju, P Heggernes, P van′ t Hof, R Saei, Y Villanger
Journal of Graph Theory 83 (3), 231-250, 2016
Parameterized complexity of three edge contraction problems with degree constraints
R Belmonte, PA Golovach, P van’t Hof, D Paulusma
Acta Informatica 51 (7), 473-497, 2014
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Articles 1–20