Duy Nhat Phan
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Cited by
Accelerated Difference of Convex functions Algorithm and its Application to Sparse Binary Logistic Regression.
DN Phan, HM Le, HA Le Thi
IJCAI, 1369-1375, 2018
An inertial block majorization minimization framework for nonsmooth nonconvex optimization
LTK Hien, DN Phan, N Gillis
Journal of Machine Learning Research 24, 1-41, 2023
Stochastic DCA for the large-sum of non-convex functions problem and its application to group variable selection in classification
HA Le Thi, HM Le, DN Phan, B Tran
International Conference on Machine Learning, 3394-3403, 2017
Stochastic DCA for minimizing a large sum of DC functions with application to Multi-class Logistic Regression
HAL Thi, HM Le, DN Phan, B Tran
Neural Networks, 2020
Group variable selection via ℓp, 0 regularization and application to optimal scoring
DN Phan, HA Le Thi
Neural Networks 118, 220-234, 2019
SpeedyIBL: A comprehensive, precise, and fast implementation of instance-based learning theory
TN Nguyen, DN Phan, C Gonzalez
Behavior Research Methods, 1-24, 2022
DC programming and DCA for sparse Fisher linear discriminant analysis
HA Le Thi, DN Phan
Neural Computing and Applications 28 (9), 2809-2822, 2017
DC programming and DCA for sparse optimal scoring problem
HA Le Thi, DN Phan
Neurocomputing 186, 170-181, 2016
Novel DCA based algorithms for a special class of nonconvex problems with application in machine learning
HA Le Thi, HM Le, DN Phan, B Tran
Applied Mathematics and Computation 409, 125904, 2021
Sparse covariance matrix estimation by DCA-based algorithms
DN Phan, HA Le Thi, TP Dinh
Neural computation 29 (11), 3040-3077, 2017
Block Bregman Majorization Minimization with Extrapolation
LT Khanh Hien, DN Phan, N Gillis, M Ahookhosh, P Patrinos
SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 4 (1), 1-25, 2022
Inertial alternating direction method of multipliers for non-convex non-smooth optimization
LTK Hien, DN Phan, N Gillis
Computational Optimization and Applications 83 (1), 247-285, 2022
An accelerated IRNN-Iteratively Reweighted Nuclear Norm algorithm for nonconvex nonsmooth low-rank minimization problems
DN Phan, TN Nguyen
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 396, 113602, 2021
Learning in Cooperative Multiagent Systems Using Cognitive and Machine Models
TN Nguyen, DN Phan, C Gonzalez
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 18 (4), 1-22, 2023
DCA based approaches for bi-level variable selection and application for estimate multiple sparse covariance matrices
HA Le Thi, DN Phan, TP Dinh
Neurocomputing 466, 162-177, 2021
Geometric characterizations for strong minima with applications to nuclear norm minimization problems
J Fadili, TTA Nghia, DN Phan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.09224, 2023
DCA based algorithms for learning with sparsity in high dimensional setting and stochastical learning
DN Phan
Université de Lorraine, 2016
Difference-of-convex algorithm with extrapolation for nonconvex, nonsmooth optimization problems
DN Phan, HA Le Thi
Mathematics of Operations Research 49 (3), 1973-1985, 2024
Efficient bi-level variable selection and application to estimation of multiple covariance matrices
DN Phan, HA Le Thi, DT Pham
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 304-316, 2017
A DC programming approach for sparse linear discriminant analysis
PD Nhat, MC Nguyen, HA Le Thi
Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering: Proceedings of the …, 2014
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Articles 1–20