Albert Ferrando
Albert Ferrando
Professor of Optics, Institute of Material Science (ICMUV), University of Valencia
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Cited by
Nearly zero ultraflattened dispersion in photonic crystal fibers
A Ferrando, E Silvestre, JJ Miret, P Andres
Optics Letters 25 (11), 790-792, 2000
Designing the properties of dispersion-flattened photonic crystal fibers
A Ferrando, E Silvestre, P Andrés, JJ Miret, MV Andrés
Optics Express 9 (13), 687-697, 2001
Full-vector analysis of a realistic photonic crystal fiber
A Ferrando, E Silvestre, JJ Miret, P Andres, MV Andres
Optics Letters 24 (5), 276-278, 1999
Vector description of higher-order modes in photonic crystal fibers
A Ferrando, E Silvestre, JJ Miret, P Andrés, MV Andrés
JOSA A 17 (7), 1333-1340, 2000
Designing a photonic crystal fibre with flattened chromatic dispersion
A Ferrando, E Silvestre, JJ Miret, JA Monsoriu, MV Andrés, PSJ Russell
Electronics letters 35 (4), 325-327, 1999
Spatial soliton formation in photonic crystal fibers
A Ferrando, M Zacarés, PF de Córdoba, D Binosi, JA Monsoriu
Optics Express 11 (5), 452-459, 2003
Vortex transmutation
A Ferrando, M Zacarés, MÁ García-March, JA Monsoriu, PF de Córdoba
Physical review letters 95 (12), 123901, 2005
Vortex solitons in photonic crystal fibers
A Ferrando, M Zacarés, PF de Córdoba, D Binosi, JA Monsoriu
Optics express 12 (5), 817-822, 2004
Toward metal halide perovskite nonlinear photonics
A Ferrando, JP Martínez Pastor, I Suárez
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9 (18), 5612-5623, 2018
Soliton topology versus discrete symmetry in optical lattices
YV Kartashov, A Ferrando, AA Egorov, L Torner
Physical review letters 95 (12), 123902, 2005
Precision tests of QED and non-standard models by searching photon-photon scattering in vacuum with high power lasers
D Tommasini, A Ferrando, H Michinel, M Seco
Journal of High Energy Physics 2009 (11), 043, 2009
Single-polarization single-mode intraband guidance in supersquare photonic crystals fibers
A Ferrando, JJ Miret
Applied Physics Letters 78 (21), 3184-3186, 2001
Lieb polariton topological insulators
C Li, F Ye, X Chen, YV Kartashov, A Ferrando, L Torner, DV Skryabin
Physical Review B 97 (8), 081103, 2018
High-index-core Bragg fibers: dispersion properties
JA Monsoriu, E Silvestre, A Ferrando, P Andrés, JJ Miret
Optics Express 11 (12), 1400-1405, 2003
Outstanding nonlinear optical properties of methylammonium-and Cs-PbX3 (X= Br, I, and Br–I) perovskites: Polycrystalline thin films and nanoparticles
I Suárez, M Vallés-Pelarda, AF Gualdrón-Reyes, I Mora-Seró, A Ferrando, ...
APL Materials 7 (4), 2019
Vorticity cutoff in nonlinear photonic crystals
A Ferrando, M Zacarés, MA Garcia-March
Physical review letters 95 (4), 043901, 2005
Detecting photon-photon scattering in vacuum at exawatt lasers
D Tommasini, A Ferrando, H Michinel, M Seco
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 77 (4), 042101, 2008
Resonant plasmon-soliton interaction
KY Bliokh, YP Bliokh, A Ferrando
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 79 (4), 041803, 2009
Donor and acceptor guided modes in photonic crystal fibers
A Ferrando, E Silvestre, JJ Miret, P Andrés, MV Andrés
Optics letters 25 (18), 1328-1330, 2000
Forward-backward equations for nonlinear propagation in axially invariant optical systems
A Ferrando, M Zacarés, P Fernández de Córdoba, D Binosi, Á Montero
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (1 …, 2005
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Articles 1–20