Baltasar Zepeda
Cited by
Cited by
Cell Wall Calcium and Hemicellulose Have a Role in the Fruit Firmness during Storage of Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.)
P Olmedo, B Zepeda, B Rojas, C Silva-Sanzana, J Delgado-Rioseco, ...
Plants 10 (3), 553, 2021
A catechol oxidase AcPPO from cherimoya (Annona cherimola Mill.) is localized to the Golgi apparatus
P Olmedo, AA Moreno, D Sanhueza, I Balic, C Silva-Sanzana, B Zepeda, ...
Plant Science 266, 46-54, 2018
RNA extraction from plant tissue with homemade acid guanidinium thiocyanate phenol chloroform (AGPC)
B Zepeda, JC Verdonk
Current Protocols 2 (1), e351, 2022
Cell wall and metabolite composition of berries of Vitis vinifera (L.) cv. Thompson Seedless with different firmness
B Zepeda, P Olmedo, T Ejsmentewicz, P Sepúlveda, I Balic, C Balladares, ...
Food chemistry 268, 492-497, 2018
Pre-anthesis cytokinin applications increase table grape berry firmness by modulating cell wall polysaccharides
B Rojas, F Suárez-Vega, S Saez-Aguayo, P Olmedo, B Zepeda, ...
Plants 10 (12), 2642, 2021
Metabolomic and biochemical analysis of mesocarp tissues from table grape berries with contrasting firmness reveals cell wall modifications associated to harvest and cold storage
I Balic, P Olmedo, B Zepeda, B Rojas, T Ejsmentewicz, M Barros, ...
Food Chemistry 389, 133052, 2022
Metabolite profiling reveals the effect of cold storage on primary metabolism in nectarine varieties with contrasting mealiness
P Olmedo, B Zepeda, J Delgado-Rioseco, C Leiva, AA Moreno, ...
Plants 12 (4), 766, 2023
Petunia as a model for MYB transcription factor action under salt stress
B Zepeda, LFM Marcelis, E Kaiser, JC Verdonk
Frontiers in Plant Science 14, 1286547, 2023
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Articles 1–8