Shun Yu
Shun Yu
RISE research institute of sweden
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Cited by
Hydrodynamic alignment and assembly of nanofibrils resulting in strong cellulose filaments
LWLDS Karl M. O. Håkansson, Andreas B. Fall, Fredrik
Nature Communications 5, 4018, 2014
Optically transparent wood from a nanoporous cellulosic template: combining functional and structural performance
Y Li, Q Fu, S Yu, M Yan, L Berglund
Biomacromolecules 17 (4), 1358-1364, 2016
Luminescent transparent wood
Y Li, S Yu, JGC Veinot, J Linnros, L Berglund, I Sychugov
Advanced Optical Materials 5 (1), 2017
Cellulose nanofibers enable paraffin encapsulation and the formation of stable thermal regulation nanocomposites
Y Li, S Yu, P Chen, R Rojas, A Hajian, L Berglund
Nano Energy 34, 541-548, 2017
Silver substrates for surface enhanced Raman scattering: Correlation between nanostructure and Raman scattering enhancement
G Santoro, S Yu, M Schwartzkopf, P Zhang, S Koyiloth Vayalil, JFH Risch, ...
Applied Physics Letters 104 (24), 2014
Water adsorption on ZnO (0001): Transition from triangular surface structures to a disordered hydroxyl terminated phase
A Onsten, D Stoltz, P Palmgren, S Yu, M Gothelid, UO Karlsson
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (25), 11157-11161, 2010
Highly proton conductive membranes based on carboxylated cellulose nanofibres and their performance in proton exchange membrane fuel cells
V Guccini, A Carlson, S Yu, G Lindbergh, RW Lindström, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (43), 25032-25039, 2019
Patterned diblock co-polymer thin films as templates for advanced anisotropic metal nanostructures
SV Roth, G Santoro, JFH Risch, S Yu, M Schwartzkopf, T Boese, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 7 (23), 12470-12477, 2015
Role of defects in surface chemistry on Cu2O (111)
A Önsten, J Weissenrieder, D Stoltz, S Yu, M Göthelid, UO Karlsson
The Journal of physical chemistry C 117 (38), 19357-19364, 2013
Strong interactions in dye-sensitized interfaces
P Palmgren, K Nilson, S Yu, F Hennies, T Angot, CI Nlebedim, JM Layet, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (15), 5972-5977, 2008
Formation of Al nanostructures on Alq3: An in situ grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering study during radio frequency sputter deposition
S Yu, G Santoro, K Sarkar, B Dicke, P Wessels, S Bommel, R Döhrmann, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 4 (18), 3170-3175, 2013
4-tert-Butyl Pyridine Bond Site and Band Bending on TiO2(110)
S Yu, S Ahmadi, C Sun, P Palmgren, F Hennies, M Zuleta, M Gothelid
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (5), 2315-2320, 2010
Three-dimensional nanometer features of direct current electrical trees in low-density polyethylene
UWG Love K. H. Pallon, Fritjof Nilsson, Shun Yu, Dongming Liu, Ana Diaz ...
Nano Letters, 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b04303, 2017
Use of intermediate focus for grazing incidence small and wide angle x-ray scattering experiments at the beamline P03 of PETRA III, DESY
G Santoro, A Buffet, R Döhrmann, S Yu, V Körstgens, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (4), 2014
Highly absorbing antimicrobial biofoams based on wheat gluten and its biohybrids
Q Wu, S Yu, M Kollert, M Mtimet, SV Roth, UW Gedde, E Johansson, ...
ACS Sustainable chemistry & engineering 4 (4), 2395-2404, 2016
Cavitation in strained polyethylene/aluminium oxide nanocomposites
D Liu, LKH Pallon, AM Pourrahimi, P Zhang, A Diaz, M Holler, ...
European Polymer Journal 87, 255-265, 2017
Nanocellulose/graphene oxide layered membranes: elucidating their behaviour during filtration of water and metal ions in real time
L Valencia, S Monti, S Kumar, C Zhu, P Liu, S Yu, AP Mathew
Nanoscale 11 (46), 22413-22422, 2019
Manipulating the Assembly of Spray-Deposited Nanocolloids: In Situ Study and Monolayer Film Preparation
P Zhang, G Santoro, S Yu, SK Vayalil, S Bommel, SV Roth
Langmuir 32 (17), 4251-4258, 2016
Probing evaporation induced assembly across a drying colloidal droplet using in situ small-angle X-ray scattering at the synchrotron source
D Sen, J Bahadur, S Mazumder, G Santoro, S Yu, SV Roth
Soft Matter 10 (10), 1621-1627, 2014
Adsorption geometry, molecular interaction, and charge transfer of triphenylamine-based dye on rutile TiO2 (110)
S Yu, S Ahmadi, M Zuleta, H Tian, K Schulte, A Pietzsch, F Hennies, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 133 (22), 2010
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Articles 1–20