Tito Castillo
Tito Castillo
Profesor, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
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Los consumos y las dotaciones de agua potable en poblaciones ecuatorianas con menos de 150 000 habitantes
A Arellano, A Bayas, A Meneses, T Castillo
Revista Digital Novasinergia 1 (1), 23-32, 2018
Influence of organizational characteristics on construction project performance using corporate social networks
T Castillo, LF Alarcón, E Pellicer Armiñana
Journal of Management in Engineering 34 (4), 1-9, 2018
Effects of last planner system practices on social networks and the performance of construction projects
T Castillo, LF Alarcón, JL Salvatierra
Journal of construction engineering and management 144 (3), 04017120, 2018
Eficiencia, carga de trabajo, salud y seguridad ocupacional en la industria de la construcción en las principales ciudades del Ecuador
M Gallegos, T Castillo
Revista Digital Novasinergia 5 (1), 150-162, 2022
Microplastics in the drinking water of the Riobamba city, Ecuador
M Paredes, T Castillo, R Viteri, G Fuentes, E Bodero
Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences (SREES) 28 (4), 653-663, 2019
Insatisfacción con el sistema nacional de contratación pública: una visión del contratista en ejecución de obras
E Rodríguez, C Rivera, T Castillo
Revista Digital Novasinergia 1 (1), 80-91, 2018
Finding differences among construction companies management practices and their relation to project performance
T Castillo, LF Alarcón, E Pellicer Armiñana
Journal of Management in Engineering 34 (3), 1-13, 2018
Developing a benchmarking system for architecture design firms
JL Salvatierra, MÁ Gálvez, F Bastías, T Castillo, RF Herrera, LF Alarcón
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 26 (1), 139-152, 2019
Last Planner System, social networks and performance of construction projects
T Castillo, LF Alarcón, JL Salvatierra
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the International Group for …, 2016
Effects of implementation of 5S in heavy equipment maintenance workshops
C Ruiz, T Castillo, M Paredes
IGLC 28-28th Annu. Conf. Int. Gr. Lean Constr, 577-588, 2020
Analyzing the interrelation between management practices, organizational characteristics and performance indicators for construction companies
T Castillo, LF Alarcón, JL Salvatierra, D Alarcón
Proceedings for the 23th Annual Conference of the International Group for …, 2015
Assessment of bim use in the early stages of implementation
K Arellano, A Andrade, T Castillo, R Herrera
Revista Ingeniería de Construcción 36 (3), 311-321, 2021
Microplastics from degradation of tires in sewer networks of the city of Riobamba, Ecuador
M Paredes, R Viteri, T Castillo, C Caminos, CE Enyoh
Environmental Engineering Research 26 (5), 2021
Aprendizajes adquiridos en el Trabajo en Grupo. Percepciones de Docentes y Estudiantes de ingeniería Civil
T Castillo, T Guffante, Á Paredes, O Paredes
Revista Chakiñan de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 81-94, 2020
Geopolymer Designed with Pumice Stone from Ecuador
A Andrade, T Castillo, M Paredes, E Gimenez, V García
Civil Engineering and Architecture 10 (5), 2-22, 2022
Evaluación del uso de BIM en las primeras fases de aplicación
K Arellano Escobar, AI Andrade Valles, TO Castillo Campoverde, ...
Revista ingeniería de construcción 36 (3), 311-321, 2021
The interaction of civil engineering students in group work through the social network analysis
T Castillo, RF Herrera, T Guffante, Á Paredes, O Paredes
Sustainability 13 (17), 9847, 2021
Crítica a la metodología utilizada para el registro de accidentes según la gravedad en la ciudad de Riobamba
Á Paredes, T Castillo
Revista Digital Novasinergia 2 (2), 30-37, 2019
Dissatisfaction with the national system of public procurement: perspectives from construction project contractors.(artículo científico)
E Rodríguez, C Rivera, T Castillo
Nova sinergia, 2018
The quality of small social networks and their performance in architecture design offices
T Castillo, RF Herrera, LF Alarcón
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 149 (2), 04022162, 2023
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Artículos 1–20