Bernard Deconinck
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Cited by
Bose-Einstein condensates in standing waves: The cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a periodic potential
JC Bronski, LD Carr, B Deconinck, JN Kutz
Physical Review Letters 86 (8), 1402, 2001
Computing spectra of linear operators using the Floquet–Fourier–Hill method
B Deconinck, JN Kutz
Journal of Computational Physics 219 (1), 296-321, 2006
Stability of repulsive Bose-Einstein condensates in a periodic potential
JC Bronski, LD Carr, B Deconinck, JN Kutz, K Promislow
Physical Review E 63 (3), 036612, 2001
The method of Fokas for solving linear partial differential equations
B Deconinck, T Trogdon, V Vasan
siam REVIEW 56 (1), 159-186, 2014
Computing Riemann theta functions
B Deconinck, M Heil, A Bobenko, M Van Hoeij, M Schmies
Mathematics of Computation 73 (247), 1417-1442, 2004
Computing Riemann matrices of algebraic curves
B Deconinck, M Van Hoeij
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 152, 28-46, 2001
Stability of attractive Bose-Einstein condensates in a periodic potential
JC Bronski, LD Carr, R Carretero-González, B Deconinck, JN Kutz, ...
Physical Review E 64 (5), 056615, 2001
The instability of periodic surface gravity waves
B Deconinck, K Oliveras
Journal of fluid mechanics 675, 141-167, 2011
KdV cnoidal waves are spectrally stable
N Bottman, B Deconinck
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series A (DCDS-A) 25 (4), 1163, 2009
Linearly coupled Bose-Einstein condensates: From Rabi oscillations and quasiperiodic solutions to oscillating domain walls and spiral waves
B Deconinck, PG Kevrekidis, HE Nistazakis, DJ Frantzeskakis
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (6), 063605, 2004
Recovering the water-wave profile from pressure measurements
KL Oliveras, V Vasan, B Deconinck, D Henderson
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 72 (3), 897-918, 2012
The stability spectrum for elliptic solutions to the focusing NLS equation
B Deconinck, BL Segal
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 346, 1-19, 2017
Elliptic solutions of the defocusing NLS equation are stable
N Bottman, B Deconinck, M Nivala
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 44 (28), 285201, 2011
Numerical inverse scattering for the Korteweg–de Vries and modified Korteweg–de Vries equations
T Trogdon, S Olver, B Deconinck
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 241 (11), 1003-1025, 2012
Continuous and discrete homotopy operators and the computation of conservation laws
W Hereman, M Colagrosso, R Sayers, A Ringler, B Deconinck, M Nivala, ...
Differential equations with symbolic computation, 255-290, 2005
Dynamics of periodic multi-component Bose–Einstein condensates
B Deconinck, JN Kutz, MS Patterson, BW Warner
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36 (20), 5431, 2003
Non-steady-state heat conduction in composite walls
B Deconinck, B Pelloni, NE Sheils
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2014
The orbital stability of the cnoidal waves of the Korteweg–de Vries equation
B Deconinck, T Kapitula
Physics Letters A 374 (39), 4018-4022, 2010
On the convergence of Hill’s method
C Curtis, B Deconinck
Mathematics of computation 79 (269), 169-187, 2010
On the spectral and orbital stability of spatially periodic stationary solutions of generalized Korteweg–de Vries equations
T Kapitula, B Deconinck
Hamiltonian partial differential equations and applications 75, 285-322, 2015
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Articles 1–20