Dr. Xingfeng Li
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Cited by
Decreased gray matter concentration in the lateral geniculate nuclei in human amblyopes
GR Barnes, X Li, B Thompson, KD Singh, SO Dumoulin, RF Hess
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 51 (3), 1432-1438, 2010
Cortical deficits in human amblyopia: their regional distribution and their relationship to the contrast detection deficit
X Li, SO Dumoulin, B Mansouri, RF Hess
Investigative ophthalmology & visual science 48 (4), 1575-1591, 2007
Gray matter concentration and effective connectivity changes in Alzheimer’s disease: a longitudinal structural MRI study
X Li, D Coyle, L Maguire, DR Watson, TM McGinnity
Neuroradiology 53, 733-748, 2011
Effective connectivity anomalies in human amblyopia
X Li, KT Mullen, B Thompson, RF Hess
Neuroimage 54 (1), 505-516, 2011
Patterns of grey matter loss associated with motor subscores in early Parkinson's disease
X Li, Y Xing, A Martin-Bastida, P Piccini, DP Auer
NeuroImage: Clinical 17, 498-504, 2018
The fidelity of the cortical retinotopic map in human amblyopia
X Li, SO Dumoulin, B Mansouri, RF Hess
European Journal of Neuroscience 25 (5), 1265-1277, 2007
Perioperative cerebral microbleeds after adult cardiac surgery
N Patel, C Banahan, J Janus, MA Horsfield, A Cox, X Li, L Cappellugola, ...
Stroke 50 (2), 336-343, 2019
Structural and functional deficits in human amblyopia
B Lv, H He, X Li, Z Zhang, W Huang, M Li, G Lu
Neuroscience letters 437 (1), 5-9, 2008
The contrast dependence of the cortical fMRI deficit in amblyopia; a selective loss at higher contrasts
RF Hess, X Li, G Lu, B Thompson, BC Hansen
Human brain mapping 31 (8), 1233-1248, 2010
Limbic grey matter changes in early Parkinson's disease
X Li, Y Xing, ST Schwarz, DP Auer
Human Brain Mapping 38 (7), 3566-3578, 2017
A nonlinear identification method to study effective connectivity in functional MRI
X Li, G Marrelec, RF Hess, H Benali
Medical image analysis 14 (1), 30-38, 2010
Selectivity as well as sensitivity loss characterizes the cortical spatial frequency deficit in amblyopia
RF Hess, X Li, B Mansouri, B Thompson, BC Hansen
Human brain mapping 30 (12), 4054-4069, 2009
Altered nucleus basalis connectivity predicts treatment response in mild cognitive impairment
D Meng, X Li, M Bauer, JP Taylor, DP Auer, ...
Radiology 289 (3), 775-785, 2018
A model selection method for nonlinear system identification based fMRI effective connectivity analysis
X Li, D Coyle, L Maguire, TM McGinnity, H Benali
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 30 (7), 1365-1380, 2011
An enhanced voxel-based morphometry method to investigate structural changes: application to Alzheimer’s disease
X Li, A Messé, G Marrelec, M Pélégrini-Issac, H Benali
Neuroradiology 52, 203-213, 2010
Decline of fiber tract integrity over the adult age range: A diffusion spectrum imaging study
SJ Teipel, M Lerche, I Kilimann, K O'Brien, M Grothe, P Meyer, X Li, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 40 (2), 348-359, 2014
Erroneous and inappropriate use of gamma fits to tracer-dilution curves in magnetic resonance imaging and nuclear medicine
X Li, J Tian, RK Millard
Magnetic resonance imaging 21 (9), 1095-1096, 2003
Prediction of deep myometrial infiltration, clinical risk category, histological type, and Lymphovascular Space Invasion in Women with Endometrial Cancer based on clinical and …
X Li, M Dessi, D Marcus, J Russell, EO Aboagye, LB Ellis, A Sheeka, ...
Cancers 15 (8), 2209, 2023
Modulation of effective connectivity in the default mode network at rest and during a memory task
X Li, EG Kehoe, TM McGinnity, D Coyle, ALW Bokde
Brain connectivity 5 (1), 60-67, 2015
Long timescale fMRI neuronal adaptation effects in human amblyopic cortex
X Li, D Coyle, L Maguire, TM McGinnity, RF Hess
PLoS One 6 (10), e26562, 2011
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Articles 1–20