Nabil Bassim
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Cited by
Low-loss, extreme subdiffraction photon confinement via silicon carbide localized surface phonon polariton resonators
JD Caldwell, OJ Glembocki, Y Francescato, N Sharac, V Giannini, ...
Nano letters 13 (8), 3690-3697, 2013
Plasmonic nanopillar arrays for large-area, high-enhancement surface-enhanced Raman scattering sensors
JD Caldwell, O Glembocki, FJ Bezares, ND Bassim, RW Rendell, ...
ACS nano 5 (5), 4046-4055, 2011
Minimizing damage during FIB sample preparation of soft materials
ND Bassim, BT De Gregorio, ALD Kilcoyne, K Scott, T Chou, S Wirick, ...
Journal of Microscopy 245 (3), 288-301, 2012
Recent advances in focused ion beam technology and applications
N Bassim, K Scott, LA Giannuzzi
Mrs Bulletin 39 (4), 317-325, 2014
Evidence for interstellar origin of seven dust particles collected by the Stardust spacecraft
AJ Westphal, RM Stroud, HA Bechtel, FE Brenker, AL Butterworth, ...
science 345 (6198), 786-791, 2014
Laser-induced explosive boiling during nanosecond laser ablation of silicon
V Craciun, N Bassim, RK Singh, D Craciun, J Hermann, ...
Applied surface science 186 (1-4), 288-292, 2002
Acid attack on geopolymer cement mortar based on waste-glass powder and calcium aluminate cement at mild concentration
M Vafaei, A Allahverdi, P Dong, N Bassim
Construction and Building Materials 193, 363-372, 2018
Isotopic and chemical variation of organic nanoglobules in primitive meteorites
BT De Gregorio, RM Stroud, LR Nittler, CMOD Alexander, ND Bassim, ...
Meteoritics & Planetary Science 48 (5), 904-928, 2013
Spectroscopic and microscopic characterizations of color lamellae in natural pink diamonds
E Gaillou, JE Post, ND Bassim, AM Zaitsev, T Rose, MD Fries, RM Stroud, ...
Diamond and Related Materials 19 (10), 1207-1220, 2010
Perfect interferenceless absorption at infrared frequencies by a van der Waals crystal
DG Baranov, JH Edgar, T Hoffman, N Bassim, JD Caldwell
Physical Review B 92 (20), 201405, 2015
MOCVD growth of thick AlN and AlGaN superlattice structures on Si substrates
MA Mastro, CR Eddy Jr, DK Gaskill, ND Bassim, J Casey, A Rosenberg, ...
Journal of crystal growth 287 (2), 610-614, 2006
Divalent–anion salt effects in polyelectrolyte multilayer depositions
WJ Dressick, KJ Wahl, ND Bassim, RM Stroud, DY Petrovykh
Langmuir 28 (45), 15831-15843, 2012
Amorphous phase formation in spray deposited AlYNiCo and AlYNiCoZr alloys
CRM Afonso, C Bolfarini, CS Kiminami, ND Bassim, MJ Kaufman, ...
Scripta materialia 44 (8-9), 1625-1628, 2001
Phases formed during crystallization of amorphous Al84Y9Ni5Co2 alloy
N Bassim, CS Kiminami, MJ Kaufman
Journal of non-crystalline solids 273 (1-3), 271-276, 2000
Resistance of red clay brick waste/phosphorus slag-based geopolymer mortar to acid solutions of mild concentration
M Vafaei, A Allahverdi, P Dong, N Bassim, M Mahinroosta
Journal of Building Engineering 34, 102066, 2021
Scalable Substitutional Re‐Doping and its Impact on the Optical and Electronic Properties of Tungsten Diselenide
A Kozhakhmetov, B Schuler, AMZ Tan, KA Cochrane, JR Nasr, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (50), 2005159, 2020
Characterization of Mg components in reactive MgO–Portland cement blends during hydration and carbonation
R Zhang, N Bassim, DK Panesar
Journal of CO2 Utilization 27, 518-527, 2018
Amorphous phase formation during spray forming of Al84Y3Ni8Co4Zr1 alloy
CRM Afonso, C Bolfarini, CS Kiminami, ND Bassim, MJ Kaufman, ...
Journal of non-crystalline solids 284 (1-3), 134-138, 2001
Simulation on the effect of non-uniform strain from the passivation layer on AlGaN/GaN HEMT
MA Mastro, JR LaRoche, ND Bassim, CR Eddy Jr
Microelectronics Journal 36 (8), 705-711, 2005
Durability performance of geopolymer cement based on fly ash and calcium aluminate cement in mild concentration acid solutions
M Vafaei, A Allahverdi, P Dong, N Bassim
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials 8 (5), 290-308, 2019
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Articles 1–20