Paula Aguilera
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Cited by
Impact of conservation tillage and organic farming on the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
V Säle, P Aguilera, E Laczko, P Mäder, A Berner, U Zihlmann, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 84, 38-52, 2015
Influence of copper on root exudate patterns in some metallophytes and agricultural plants
S Meier, M Alvear, F Borie, P Aguilera, R Ginocchio, P Cornejo
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 75, 8-15, 2012
Fluorescence detection of aluminum in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal structures and glomalin using confocal laser scanning microscopy
P Aguilera, F Borie, A Seguel, P Cornejo
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43 (12), 2427-2431, 2011
Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi associated with Triticum aestivum L. plants growing in an Andosol with high aluminum level
P Aguilera, P Cornejo, F Borie, JM Barea, E von Baer, F Oehl
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 186, 178-184, 2014
Revisiting the nature of phosphorus pools in Chilean volcanic soils as a basis for arbuscular mycorrhizal management in plant P acquisition
F Borie, P Aguilera, C Castillo, A Valentine, A Seguel, JM Barea, ...
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 19, 390-401, 2019
Selection of aluminum tolerant cereal genotypes strongly influences the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in an acidic Andosol
P Aguilera, C Marín, F Oehl, R Godoy, F Borie, P Cornejo
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 246, 86-93, 2017
Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in acidic soils and their contribution to aluminum phytotoxicity alleviation
P Aguilera, J Cumming, F Oehl, P Cornejo, F Borie
Aluminum stress adaptation in plants, 203-228, 2015
Factors affecting arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of Chilean temperate rainforests
C Marín, P Aguilera, F Oehl, R Godoy
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition 17 (4), 966-984, 2017
Application of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in vineyards: water and biotic stress under a climate change scenario: new challenge for Chilean grapevine crop
P Aguilera, N Ortiz, N Becerra, A Turrini, F Gaínza-Cortés, P Silva-Flores, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 13, 826571, 2022
Mn Toxicity Differentially Affects Physiological and Biochemical Features in Highbush Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) Cultivars
R Millaleo, M Alvear, P Aguilera, J González-Villagra, M de la Luz Mora, ...
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 20 (3), 795-805, 2020
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve tolerance of agricultural plants to cope abiotic stress conditions
P Cornejo, A Seguel, P Aguilera, S Meier, J Larsen, F Borie
Plant-Microbe Interactions in Agro-Ecological Perspectives: Volume 2 …, 2017
Arbuscular mycorrhizal assemblages along contrasting Andean forests of Southern Chile
C Marín, P Aguilera, P Cornejo, R Godoy, F Oehl, G Palfner, J Boy
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition 16 (4), 916-929, 2016
Think globally, research locally: emerging opportunities for mycorrhizal research in South America
CG Bueno, C Marín, P Silva-Flores, P Aguilera, R Godoy
New Phytologist 215 (4), 1306-1309, 2017
New evidences on the contribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inducing Al tolerance in wheat
P Aguilera, J Larsen, F Borie, D Berríos, C Tapia, P Cornejo
Rhizosphere 5, 43-50, 2018
Effect of dairy manure rate and the stabilization time of amended soils on atrazine degradation
P Aguilera, G Briceño, M Candia, M de la Luz Mora, R Demanet, G Palma
Chemosphere 77 (6), 785-790, 2009
Plagas del arándano en Chile
P Aguilera
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from acidic soils favors production of tomatoes and lycopene concentration
P Aguilera, N Becerra, M Alvear, N Ortiz, A Turrini, C Azcón‐Aguilar, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 102 (6), 2352-2358, 2022
Arbuscular mycorrhizal status of pioneer plants from the mouth of lake Budi, Araucanía Region, Chile
J Medina, S Meier, R Rubio, G Curaqueo, F Borie, P Aguilera, F Oehl, ...
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition 15 (1), 142-152, 2015
Soil biological properties and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities of representative crops established in the Andean region from Ecuadorian highlands
ME Avila-Salem, F Montesdeoca, M Orellana, K Pacheco, S Alvarado, ...
Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 20, 2156-2163, 2020
Effect of liquid cow manure on chemical and biological properties in an andisol
P Aguilera, G Briceño, ML Mora, R Demanet, G Palma
Revista de la ciencia del suelo y nutrición vegetal 10 (2), 158-169, 2010
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Articles 1–20