Gaëtan Buvat
Gaëtan Buvat
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Electrochemical study of aqueous asymmetric FeWO4/MnO2 supercapacitor
N Goubard-Bretesché, O Crosnier, G Buvat, F Favier, T Brousse
Journal of Power Sources 326, 695-701, 2016
Ultra-high areal capacitance and high rate capability RuO2 thin film electrodes for 3D micro-supercapacitors
B Asbani, G Buvat, J Freixas, M Huvé, D Troadec, P Roussel, T Brousse, ...
Energy Storage Materials 42, 259-267, 2021
Effect of IrO6 Octahedron Distortion on the OER Activity at (100) IrO2 Thin Film
G Buvat, MJ Eslamibidgoli, AH Youssef, S Garbarino, A Ruediger, ...
ACS Catalysis 10 (1), 806-817, 2019
Major Improvement in the Cycling Ability of Pseudocapacitive Vanadium Nitride Films for Micro‐Supercapacitor
A Jrondi, G Buvat, FDL Pena, M Marinova, M Huvé, T Brousse, P Roussel, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 13 (9), 2203462, 2023
Polycationic oxides as potential electrode materials for aqueous-based electrochemical capacitors
O Crosnier, N Goubard-Bretesché, G Buvat, L Athouel, C Douard, ...
Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 9, 87-94, 2018
OER Performances of Cationic Substituted (100)-Oriented IrO2 Thin Films: A Joint Experimental and Theoretical Study
G Buvat, MJ Eslamibidgoli, S Garbarino, M Eikerling, D Guay
ACS applied energy materials 3 (6), 5229-5237, 2020
A first outlook of sputtered FeWO4 thin films for micro-supercapacitor electrodes
G Buvat, A Iadecola, F Blanchard, T Brousse, P Roussel, C Lethien
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 168 (3), 030524, 2021
Rethinking Pseudocapacitance: A Way to Harness Charge Storage of Crystalline RuO2
A Jadon, S Prabhudev, G Buvat, SG Patnaik, M Djafari-Rouhani, A Estève, ...
ACS Applied Energy Materials 3 (5), 4144-4148, 2020
Sampled current voltammetry for kinetic studies on materials unsuitable for rotating discs or microelectrodes: Application to the oxygen reduction reaction in acidic medium
CO Soares, O Rodriguez, G Buvat, M Duca, S Garbarino, D Guay, ...
Electrochimica Acta 362, 136946, 2020
Innovative solid oxide fuel cells based on BaIn0. 3Ti0. 7O2. 85 electrolyte and La2Mo2O9 amorphous reduced phase as anode material
G Buvat, E Quarez, O Joubert
Journal of Power Sources 302, 107-113, 2016
Reduction Kinetics of La2Mo2O9 and Phase Evolution during Reduction and Reoxidation
G Buvat, H Sellemi, UK Ravella, M Barré, S Coste, G Corbel, P Lacorre
Inorganic Chemistry 55 (5), 2522-2533, 2016
Sputtered (Fe, Mn) 3O4 spinel oxide thin films for micro-supercapacitor
B Jolayemi, G Buvat, T Brousse, P Roussel, C Lethien
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 169 (11), 110524, 2022
Influence of La2Mo2O9 on the sintering behavior and electrochemical properties of gadolinium-doped ceria
G Buvat, E Quarez, O Joubert
Ceramics International 43 (13), 10137-10143, 2017
Understanding the Effect of Ni-Substitution on the Oxygen Evolution Reaction of (100) IrO2 Surfaces
G Buvat, MJ Eslamibidgoli, T Zhang, S Prabhudev, AH Youssef, ...
ACS Catalysis 12 (17), 10961-10972, 2022
Probing the surface sensitivity of dimethyl ether oxidation on epitaxially-grown PtRh (1 0 0) alloys: Insights into the challenge of improving on Pt (1 0 0)
M Duca, A Wang, G Buvat, N Sacré, S Garbarino, D Guay
Journal of Catalysis 369, 405-414, 2019
On the local order of amorphous La 2 Mo 2 O 6.7
J Vega-Castillo, G Buvat, G Corbel, A Kassiba, P Lacorre, A Caneiro
Dalton Transactions 46 (22), 7273-7283, 2017
Emerging Capacitive Materials for On-Chip Electronics Energy Storage Technologies
B Jolayemi, G Buvat, P Roussel, C Lethien
Batteries 10, 65 pages, 2024
Au (001) Thin Films: Impact of Structure and Mosaicity on the Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Alkaline Medium
CO Soares, G Buvat, YG Hernández, S Garbarino, M Duca, A Ruediger, ...
ACS Catalysis 12 (3), 1664-1676, 2022
Pseudocapacitive materials for supercapacitor electrodes
L D'alencon, T Le Mercier, G Buvat, N Goubard-bretesche, O Crosnier, ...
US Patent App. 16/317,652, 2019
(Invited) Probing the Oxygen Reduction and Hydrazine Oxidation Reactions Using Transient Amperometric Techniques
AC Tavares, D Kashyap, C Palma de Oliveira Soares, G Buvat, ...
Electrochemical Society Meeting Abstracts 244, 2654-2654, 2023
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