Wolfram Georg Nöhring
Wolfram Georg Nöhring
MTU Aero Engines
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Cited by
Assessment and optimization of the fast inertial relaxation engine (fire) for energy minimization in atomistic simulations and its implementation in lammps
J Guénolé, WG Nöhring, A Vaid, F Houllé, Z Xie, A Prakash, E Bitzek
Computational Materials Science 175, 109584, 2020
Average-atom interatomic potential for random alloys
C Varvenne, A Luque, WG Nöhring, WA Curtin
Physical Review B 93 (10), 104201, 2016
Dislocation cross-slip in fcc solid solution alloys
WG Nöhring, WA Curtin
Acta Materialia 128, 135-148, 2017
The emergence of small-scale self-affine surface roughness from deformation
AR Hinkle, WG Nöhring, R Leute, T Junge, L Pastewka
Science advances 6 (7), eaax0847, 2020
Cross-slip of long dislocations in FCC solid solutions
WG Nöhring, WA Curtin
Acta Materialia 158, 95-117, 2018
A multiscale simulation framework of the accumulative roll bonding process accounting for texture evolution
A Prakash, WG Nöhring, RA Lebensohn, HW Höppel, E Bitzek
Materials Science and Engineering: A 631, 104-119, 2015
Correlation of microdistortions with misfit volumes in high entropy alloys
WG Nöhring, WA Curtin
Scripta Materialia 168, 119-123, 2019
Design using randomness: a new dimension for metallurgy
WG Nöhring, WA Curtin
Scripta Materialia 187, 210-215, 2020
Thermodynamic properties of average-atom interatomic potentials for alloys
WG Nöhring, WA Curtin
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 24 (4), 045017, 2016
302016 — Create, analyze and publish digital surface twins from topography measurements across many scales
MC Röttger, A Sanner, LA Thimons, T Junge, A Gujrati, JM Monti, ...
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 10, 035032, 2022
Scale-dependent roughness parameters for topography analysis
A Sanner, WG Nöhring, LA Thimons, TDB Jacobs, L Pastewka
Applied Surface Science Advances 7, 100190, 2022
Wedge-shaped twins and pseudoelasticity in fcc metallic nanowires under bending
WG Nöhring, JJ Möller, Z Xie, E Bitzek
Extreme Mechanics Letters 8, 140-150, 2016
matscipy: materials science at the atomic scale with Python
P Grigorev, L Frérot, F Birks, A Gola, J Golebiowski, J Grießer, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 9 (93), 2024
Nonequilibrium plastic roughening of metallic glasses yields self-affine topographies with strain-rate and temperature-dependent scaling exponents
WG Nöhring, AR Hinkle, L Pastewka
Physical Review Materials 6, 075603, 2022
Dislocation Cross-Slip in Face-Centered Cubic Solid Solution Alloys
WG Nöhring
EPFL, 2018
Atomistic model analysis of local and global instabilities in crystals at finite temperature
Y Umeno, W Nöhring, A Iskandarov, E Bitzek
Key Engineering Materials 592, 39-42, 2014
Fractal structure, depinning, and hysteresis of dislocations in high-entropy alloys
HT Le, WG Nöhring, L Pastewka
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.21838, 2024
Surface lattice Green’s functions for high-entropy alloys
WG Nöhring, J Grießer, P Dondl, L Pastewka
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 30 (1), 015007, 2021
Instabilities in crystals at finite temperature
Y Umeno, W Nöhring, A Iskandarov, E Bitzek
International workshop Discrete Breathers in Crystals, 45, 2015
Group ID U12614 Affiliated authors Ahmad, Rasool
P Andric, KL Baker, C Baruffi, N Bouklas, W Curtin, V Dorodnitsyn, ...
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Articles 1–20