Maria Ines Robles
Maria Ines Robles
PhD candidate at Aalto University Finland
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Cited by
Implementation and evaluation of protocols translating methods for IPv4 to IPv6 transition
CP Monte, MI Robles, G Mercado, C Taffernaberry, M Orbiscay, S Tobar, ...
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 12 (02), 64-70, 2012
Hypermedia to connect them all: Autonomous hypermedia agents and socio‐technical interactions
S Mayer, A Ciortea, A Ricci, MI Robles, M Kovatsch, A Croatti
Internet Technology Letters 1 (4), e50, 2018
Device group management in constrained networks
MI Robles, D D'Ambrosio, JJ Bolonio, M Komu
2016 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication …, 2016
Characterization of LQI behavior in WSN for glacier area in Patagonia Argentina
AL Diedrichs, MI Robles, F Bromberg, G Mercado, D Dujovne
2013 Fourth Argentine Symposium and Conference on Embedded Systems (SASE …, 2013
Design of a performance measurements platform in lightweight M2M for Internet of Things
MI Robles, P Jokela
Proc. IRTF ISOC Workshop Res. Appl. Internet Meas.(RAIM), 1-4, 2015
PMIP6: Análisis, Evaluación y Comparación de ambientes Proxy Mobile IP en versión 6, aplicado a Redes de Avanzada
JC Taffernaberry, S Tobar, G Mercado, C Pérez Monte, MI Robles, ...
XVI Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación, 2014
Implementación y Evaluación de métodos de Traslación de Protocolos para la transición IPv4-IPv6
G Mercado, C Pérez, JC Taffernaberry, MI Robles, M Orbiscay, S Tobar, ...
XVII Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación, 2011
Calculating LWM2M resource semantic distance through SENACT ontology
MI Robles, E Ramos, N Beijar, NC Narendra
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Internet of …, 2017
Pragmatic distance in IoT devices
MI Robles, NC Narendra, SM Kiviranta
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2020
Measuring semantic distance between LWM2M resources
MI Robles, N Beijar, NC Narendra
2017 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE …, 2017
Web of Things Semantic Functionality Distance
MI Robles, B Silverajan, NC Narendra
2019 26th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), 260-264, 2019
ACyT-Net Red Académica Científica y Tecnológica Experimental de Mendoza Argentina
G Mercado, J Gitto, R Soria, JC Taffernaberry, RO Moralejo, ...
XVI Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación, 2014
Aplicaciones de Internet de las Cosas SIPIA6-Red de Sensores Inalámbricos con IPv6
G Mercado, R Borgo, F Gonzalez Antivilo, JC Taffernaberry, A Diedrichs, ...
XV Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación, 2013
Methods for compression and decompression of headers of internet protocol packets, devices, computer programs and computer program products
LFDELC VEGA, A Keränen, A Larmo, MI Robles
US Patent 11,323,914, 2022
RFC 9008
PT Maria Ines Robles, Michael Richardson, 2021
RFC 9008 Using RPI Option Type, Routing Header for Source Routes, and IPv6-in-IPv6 Encapsulation in the RPL Data Plane
MI Robles, M Richardson, P Thubert
RFC Editor, 2021
Management of communication between M2M device and M2M server with finite state transitions created by the M2M device
ON Diaz, N Beijar, J Jiménez, T Kauppinen, J Kjällman, K Miika, P Jokela, ...
US Patent 10,869,172, 2020
Methods for compression and decompression of headers of internet protocol packets, devices, computer programs and computer program products
LFDELC VEGA, A Keränen, A Larmo, MI Robles
US Patent 10,687,246, 2020
IPv6 over 802.11ah
RM Felipe Del Carpio, Maria Ines Robles, 2015
Low-power, Lossy Network Plugfest Demonstrates Running Internet of Things Code
XV Thomas Watteyne, Ines Robles …, 2014
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Articles 1–20